(no subject)

Nov 14, 2011 12:23

First off, my Masterlist has been updated! It's a bit messy, still, but it'll do the trick. It now has my long-ass fics, Saudade and Fidelity and Never Return to the Scene of the Crime, as well as a barrel-full of Eagle fics (including mention of my the_eagle_kink WIP fills). I didn't know I'd written that many, haha.

Second, my writing of my ksadvent fic is going splendidly! I sent the first third of the fic (lol, 3 of 9 planned scenes) to the lovely makowe_pola (yes, despite her not being with LJ anymore, I'm still forcing her to do my art!) and her reaction was extremely promising! And she immediately sketched up Gaila in her tiny, inappropriate elf costume. Bwahaha, it's all going according to plan! ...For once.

Third, work is kicking my ass. I'm working Overtime like woah, and with the holidays coming, my hours will only increase. I hate being away from you, internet! Why must I have to make money to survive? I really need to get my books out there in the world.

And, saving the best for last:

eagle_exchange eagle_exchange eagle_exchange
eagle_exchange eagle_exchange

How have you not signed up for this yet? I know there are flocks and flocks of rabid Eagle fans out there! You comment on my fics, I know you're out there - and many of you writers, too! Come and join! You'll get fic or art in exchange for YOUR fic or art - what could be better? Oh yeah, I know what: The fact that the minimum posting length is a mere 1,000 words! You could write that in a day, I bet. Assignments are handed out in on 27 Nov and posting begins in February. Seriously, that's well enough time to cough up 1,000 words, don't you agree? Well, if you do, then go sign up!


ramblings, personal

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