Jun 03, 2011 21:00

Note: It's pretty obvious that I can write double the amount if it's pure dialogue. Oh dialogue, how I love you and only you.

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom (NOTE: I just picked whatever inspired me at the time, I didn't stick to one)
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble/ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten, and post them.

1. Fade Together - Franz Ferdinand : dean/cas, 83 words, no spoilers

“This is good, isn’t it?” Dean asked with blood on his lips. “Going out this way.”

“Dean,” Castiel said, his voice just a stitch in the unending blanket of night that enfolded them. “I’ll just bring you back.”

“Don’t.” Dean rose up, but the gaping hole in his gut hindered the movement. His eyes went wide with the pain and he fell back, back into the cradle of Castiel’s arms. “Don’t. Please.”

“I’ll find you,” Castiel promised. “In the end, I always do.”

2. Slow Moves - Jose Gonzales : pinto, 96 words

“Sometimes I can’t figure you out,” Chris said. He was across the room, standing in the doorway; like if he stepped in, it would break a rule which they’d never had in the first place.

“That makes two of us,” Zach replied, even as he thought it was Chris’ fault for not understanding. This always happened - with his lovers, his friends, his family. No one really got him, and so eventually he stopped trying.

He never stopped blaming them, either.

“Thing is,” Chris said. “That’s okay. I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to anyway.”

3. Have Love Will Travel - The Black Keys : mccoy/jocelyn, 155 words

The familiar twang of country guitar poured from the tiny stage as Leonard sat on a high stool at the bar. The wood of the countertop stank of alcohol and peanuts, like the grain would never be free of the smell ever again.

Leonard’s granddaddy had carved a rocking chair out of a recycled bartop, and it had reeked to high hell for all its days. Luckily it was only a porch rocker at the front of the house, and Granddaddy had had always smelled of hops and tobacco anyway.

“What can I do ya for, darlin’?” The barmaid asked in a strong, husky voice.

Leonard looked up with the order on his tongue and froze. Soft curves and wide whiskey eyes without a drop of innocence had Leonard’s tongue going heavy in his mouth. He swallowed.

“What’s your name?”

“Jocelyn,” she replied with a smile and a wink. “But I ain’t on the menu.”

4. Don’t Let Me Down - Dana Fuchs : kirk/spock, 116 words

Warm fingertips crested over the nape of Jim’s neck and threaded into his hair. Pleasant tingles burst and spread where the pad of a thumb lightly massaged behind his ear. Jim hummed hoarsely, his throat heavy with sleep as he nuzzled his face further into the pillow.

“Don’t stop,” he said into the cotton that still smelled of Spock’s unique spice.

“I will have to eventually,” Spock said, his voice low and faintly amused. He petted up towards the crown of Jim’s head, against the grain of his thick hair, and it felt fucking glorious.

“No,” Jim said as his back arched in reaction to waves of relaxation that rolled down his frame. “That’s an order.”

5. Circus - Britney Spears: kirk/spock, 199 words

“Oh god,” Bones said, and dropped the PADD.

Uhura picked it up and boggled at the screen. She covered her mouth with one hand. “Is this legit?”

“Oh yeaaah,” Kirk said with a toothy grin. “And that’s all me, baby. There’s no air-brushing on that kind of inherent charm.”

“I’m going to vomit,” Uhura said.

“And yet you still stare at StarFleet’s new recruitment poster of yours truly.”

“It’s like a crash that I can’t look away from.”

“Spock!” Kirk grinned as he saw his First walk by. He clasped Spock by the forearm and snatched the PADD from Uhura at the same time. “Look at this - tell me what you think. Sexy, right?” He flung it in front of Spock’s face.

Spock took a step back, blinking as he attempted to adjust to a screen that was too close to his eyes. Then he turned green. Maybe green from head to toe. Jim didn’t know, but he’d be happy to find out.

Spock also dropped the PADD as he practically rocketed out of the room.

Kirk frowned. “He doesn’t like it?”

Uhura pinched the bridge of her nose. “I think he does.”

Bones groaned. “Now I’m gonna vomit.”

6. I Want It All - Queen : kirk/spock, 133 words

“I do n-gh,” Spock fisted his hands in the cadet’s blonde hair with the objective to push him away. Unfortunately, the exact opposite of afore-mentioned intention was the result.

The full, pink mouth which Spock had become so unnaturally enamoured with from a distance across the dance floor were now on his - were now sucking his bottom lip to the point of pleasant pain. Spock had never done this, but as he was already caught in the situation... it would be a foolish experience to waste.

So he flipped their positions in the dark alley; slammed the handsome stranger against the brick wall and said against the racing pulse at his throat, “I do not know your name.”

The reply was husky, vibrating in the night with light and laughter. “Kirk. Jim Kirk.”

7. Matinee Idol - Rufus Wainwright : pinto, 117 words

“I will actually shove the blunt end of this water bottle in the ass of the next paparazzi that flashes their fucking camera at me.”

Zach raised his eyebrows over his LAMILL cup. He took a calm sip and set it down. “And if they just generally flash you?”

“Shut up,” Chris said irritably, his face red. “It’s not funny.”

“It’s actually highly amusing, but since you have the personality of an eighty year-old man, I guess one could see how you wouldn’t find the humour in it.”

“Oh, aren’t we so fucking Zen. Asshole.”

“See, because I’m so Zen? Water off a duck’s back.”

“Now you’re using craptastic idioms just to further annoy me.”

“Well. Obviously.”

8. Blinding - Florence and the Machine : dean/cas, 201 words, s06 spoilers

“Do you recall this place, Dean?”

Dean whirled around, his eyes wide even as the stone in the pit of his stomach dropped with the knowledge of who he’d find. He collected himself quickly, fists shoved in his pocket with an artful slouch. He sneered at this new Castiel.

“Must’ve slipped my mind.”

It hadn’t. Of course it hadn’t. This garden - this sweltering place away from time, in some country Dean had no way of placing - was where Cas had whisked them off years ago. Back when they’d been all eager lips and tentative words and muddled, mute emotions.

This place had left Dean feeling humid and sticky and smeared with Castiel’s fading bruises long after he’d come back to Bumfuck, Midwest. But he wouldn’t give this Castiel the satisfaction. No way in hell.

Castiel’s slow curve of lips was like a knife twisting in Dean’s gut. He approached without sound, even the swish of his familiar trenchcoat gone silent with each footstep. Dean told himself to bolt, but he didn’t. Castiel cupped the back of Dean’s neck.

Castiel’s lips were a whisper away. “Then allow me to refresh your memory.”

Dean screamed inside, but he didn’t move. He didn’t move.

9. Bird on a Wire - Johnny Cash : kirk/spock, 272 words

When Jim was about nine years old, he’d brought home a songbird with a broken leg. He didn’t want to show Mom or Frank or Sammy. Not because he thought he’d get in trouble. Just... he just wanted something for himself.

There wasn’t much privacy in that house, and as nice as it was to be regularly assaulted with love and that kind of gross stuff - Jim wanted things of his own.

He didn’t like to share. Not his toys or his little girlfriend who he’d only kissed on the cheek. He especially didn’t like to share his secrets - but he liked to collect them. He really did.

This bird, he loved it. He fixed it up and kept it in the barn and named it Petey and Jim would talk to him. Tell him made-up stories about Dad, because no one really told him anything important in the first place - would tell him the kind of person Jim would be when he grew up. It was nice.

Jim could talk all he wanted and he didn’t get judged or told off or noogied by his brother. Petey was just cool. Even when he flew away, it was okay. Jim didn’t cry. Well, maybe once. But even after that, Jim came back to the barn. Talked to the rafters and imagined Petey was still there.

Jim never told anyone about Petey - not ever. But it was funny; after years of talking to himself when he needed the comfort, he’d finally found another Petey. Someone even better, maybe.

Yeah, Spock was pretty damn cool too. Couldn’t hold a tune like Petey had, though.

10. Judas - Lady Gaga : dean/cas, 202 words, s06 spoilers

When Castiel had said all would love him, he’d only been thinking of one man. There had only been one man.

He who called him from hell with fingers stripped of skin, his muscle and bone and blood shone to Castiel in a way that no one would ever see again. He who burst from the ground and came face to face with Castiel, only to thrust a blade through his faux-heart without a trace of fear in his eyes. He who had hope thrust upon him again and again, but refused to take it from Castiel’s hands. He who had ripped Castiel from the heavens with hands calloused and scarred; who had painfully plucked the feathers from Castiel’s wings one sharp prick at a time.

He who built Castiel up and broke him down again and again.

Dean had been Castiel’s tool of death and resurrection over and over. The only person Castiel was closer to was his Father - and now God was below him, or at the very least, equal.

That left only Dean. Only Dean who wouldn’t bow to him, who wouldn’t give Castiel’s fervid heart any relief.

When Castiel said all would love him, he’d only meant Dean.

dean/castiel, kirk/spock, tomfoolery, star trek, pinto, supernatural

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