Apr 25, 2006 18:17
the classic 10 people
01. Jess
02. Rob
03. Pam
04. Martin
05. Juja
06. Jordan
07. Alina
08. Chuck
09. Jeanne
10. Jason
01. what celebrity does #5 look like? erg...idk
02. what is one thing that #7 hates? YOU!
03. if #2 jumped off a bridge, would you jump too? probably
04. when and how did you meet #3? We're sisters,so i popped out and said "hey sis"
05. what would you do if #4 died? Id cry to myself
06. what's a secret about #1? She's a halfie
07. what can you see #6 growing up to be? somethign with video games
08. do you have a nickname for #8? Chuck the Fuck, or "sexay!"
09. what do you hate about #9? nothin, Jeanne is great
10. where does #5 live? Rhawn and the Boulevard
11. what does #8 do for fun? fuck and spend money
12. who is #10 going out with? Jeanne
13. what's #9's nickname? Jeanne babe
14. what is one random fact about #7? Shes short
15. how long have you known #1? since ninth grade yo!
16. why is #4 your friend? Because he makes me laugh & hes my bf
17. is #3 the love of your life? No, but she is my sister
18. what's an insider between you and #2? car...hahahahaha
19. what are the last four digits in #6's phone number? 7389
20. what is #10 known for? marines!! or one of those thingers
21. how much do you love #7? o0o baby i love her! lol
22. what's #5's middle name? Lynn i think
23. where does #9 shop? Wal Mart?
24. can #8 keep a secret, and have you ever told him/her a secret? Yes he can and i have told him
25. describe #4 in one word? Amazing
26. what was the nicest thing #2 ever did for you? Taken care of me and was there for me
27. have you ever been in a fight with #10? nope
28. have you ever been to #6's house? He lives with me
29. what's #3's deepest fear? Idk, i bet its not furbies though
30. what was the craziest thing you ever did with #1? MWAHZ!