
May 15, 2008 16:32

Originally published at Kickin' the new Kuh-nowledge. You can comment here or there.

The e-mail about a mandatory meeting was suspicious.  Anytime you have a surprise mandatory meeting, you know it’s not good.  Well, the accounting department has been “consolidated” which is company-speak for we’re moving all the jobs to a central location.  Which, of course, means that everyone you know is essentially being laid off.

Even though I work in IT, I’m actually part of the accounting department.  It’s just one of the weird things about my company.  Luckily, the IT focus of my job means that I stay while others had to pack up their belongings and leave.

Spent the day calling a lot of friends in other offices to see who was staying and who was gone.  Had a pretty rough conversation with one of my oldest pals in the company.  He was given a choice to stay or go.  He chose to leave because he was close to retirement anyway.  I’ll be drinking a beer for him and the rest of the folks I won’t be interacting with anymore.

Today I’m feeling equal parts relief, shock and sadness.  Wake me up when the walls stop spinning.



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