Anybody remember this show? I seriously just (re)discovered it and watched all it's episodes... it's like CRACK! Like Fat Camp, they need more of this on MTV. Screw it being 2 years ago, I WANT IT NOW!
These lovely kids make up the key players in The Paper, a show about Cypress Bay High School's award-winning paper,
"The Circuit".
Series Trailer:
Click to view
Overly-confident Amanda knows she's got what it takes
First we have Amanda, the insanely driven and often ostracized Editor-in-Chief. She's the girl everybody on the staff seems to hate for reasons inadequately portrayed by MTV. Words like "dictator" and "bitch" are often thrown around and it is made clear that she is not anyone's choice (other than her own) as top dog on the editorial chain. While her peers often party on Friday nights she smugly states that "procrastination is a foe that I have not met yet," which helps us understand how besides her dog, the girl has so very few friends.
If this were a drinking game: take a shot every time Amanda has pep talks with her dog.
Amanda and Alex's friendship is beyond repair
Then there's Alex, second in command. As you'll soon find out, like many of the other kids he too applied for the EIC position only to be beat out by Amanda, his one-time crush and ex-BFF. It's obvious that bitterness still lingers on his part and he is set out to prove Mrs. Weiss, their Journalism teacher and paper coordinator, that she made the wrong choice. Often influenced by the more "popular" kids on "The Circuit" he has no problem bad mouthing his former friend in order to be liked.
If this were a drinking game: take a shot every time Alex claims to be friends with Amanda.
Dan is the only one of the crew who isn't an editor, but his award-winning articles for the paper and awesome sense of humor often wins him time in the spotlight. He's known as the class clown and close friend of Alex, the two share a bromance that knows no bounds. From undercover reporting to getting haircuts together to going to spas - it's a story that is LENGEND... wait for it... DARY.
If this were a drinking game: take two shots every time Dan you realize Dan's actually in a scene!
This is why he was voted "Most Dramatic"
Next we have Adam! The super loud, overly dramatic, and always flamboyant one of the group. He's got the gift of gab and provides us with some of the best moments on the show providing us with some truly entertaining television. From his partying it up backstage with cast of High School Musical on Ice to his freak out in the classroom over Mrs. Weiss always chastising him and not others, you cannot help but love watching him on screen.
If this were a drinking game: take two shots whenever Adam yells like a girl.
There isn't much to be said about Cassia, as she doesn't get much screen time and really only serves as a way to show that Amanda does have friends. Or, well, a friend. The two like to spend their nights singing sad songs along to the tune of a guitar or playing board games while the other kids party it up. The fact that they are not at these parties often confuse Cassia as she doesn't understand the "invitation process"... aka, she needs to get a clue.
If this were a drinking game: take a shot whenever Cassia doesn't get invited to something.
Trevor and Giana, doing what they do best
Lastly we have Giana and Trevor who I have to discuss together due to the fact that the two are constantly all over each other wherever they go. During the pilot Amanda appropriately suggests that they "get a room", of course, I'm sure they have. The two are constantly all over each other as if they recently discovered how much fun sex is. Both Giana and Trevor have a strong (and that's me putting it lightly) dislike for Amanda and insist that under her The Circuit will go to hell in a handbasket. Giana claims that Amanda often puts her down and tends to be condescending toward her constantly while Trevor just chooses to ignore her authority all together and not hide his dislike for her. While Giana is generally a bitch, Trevor is a douche, the can be considered to be the leaders of their clique which Mrs. Weiss calls "the back row".
If this were a drinking game: take a shot whenever G/T are all over each other during class. Take two shots whenever Trevor badmouths Amanda right in front of her.
"the back row" aka the kids that hate Amanda
My favorite moment from the season:
Click to view
That's why I love Adam. He deserves his own show! Too bad he's quit journalism. :( According to and, he admits that "with this economy like this, I just thought to myself, I don't want to be another one of those people in a cubicle, struggling. I know that I could amount to other, bigger things [in journalism] if I wanted to, but my passion now is politics. There's something about politics that just strikes me more. After the show, I felt I was obligated to major in journalism, but that's not my calling anymore." I definitely appreciate that he's doing what he loves and not just what he feels boxed into because of the show.
It's really interesting to read these kids' thoughts post-show. Like Dan's
blog where he talks about the deal with the group vs. Amanda: "MTV showed about 4 months of edited footage out of 3 years of built up disdain from the staff towards Amanda. Alex is certainly no saint and has pulled stunts that were dick both as an editor and a friend. In the end though, he is an amazing journalist and tell me how many times MTV documented that? But Amanda is a whole different story. I have never been an editor but my opinion has always been valued by the staff and I always heard both sides of the story before I judge, and quite frankly Amanda was a shit leader."
Trevor also speaks about his relationship with Amanda for
MTV: "In all honesty, Amanda still was not the greatest editor-in-chief in the world, and I was not going to just sit back and let the newspaper take a wrong turn. Unfortunately, I did not have a job that called for a great amount of leadership, nor one that gave me a lot of power. So, like the authentic and real person that I am, I spoke up, rather than being fake and pretending everything was OK. Some people can't take criticism well and for a long time Amanda did not." As much as a douche as I saw Trevor to be, he was always honest about his dislike toward her and never hid the fact, which he explains.
MTV Recounts the Season's Most Entertaining Moments At this point, YOU KNOW YOU WANNA WATCH THIS SHOW!