Observations upon leaving Taiwan for six days in Jakarta

Oct 18, 2013 10:58

Indonesian kids seeking limelight
I traveled to Jakarta and the nearby mountains this month to pursue several stories for my news media clients. Here’s what hit me once removed from Taiwan:
1. No facemasks. Just no one wears facemasks.
2. People talk. Those who I collared for vox populi interviews answered my questions with gusto and gave me full, real names. That wouldn’t happen in Taiwan without a lot of bristly back-and-forth ending in guarded comments and surnames only.
4. Language happens. Anyone is entitled to speak Bahasa. My expat friend in Jakarta speaks it in his own expat way, but I can tell from the expressions of people he meets that no one cares. He’s taken as seriously as the next guy. Obvious contrast to Chinese-speaking foreigners in Taiwan.
5. Food. It tastes good, smells good and I could chew all of it.

indonesia, jakarta, taiwan

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