Jun 28, 2007 23:39
Fairly quiet night at the Dussault residence. Sisters are gone. For Lauren that is normal, but lately Carolyn and I have been spending our evenings watching bad TV together. Which is fun in that it's spending time with her, but gross in that's it's watching bad TV for hours when I should be doing something remotely healthy, like sleeping. I'm talking bad TV. Like Degrassi and the Lifetime Movie Network.
I feel bad complaining about living here because I know that my situation is very fortunate in many ways. My family may be emotionally sensitive at times, but we are generally nice to each other and can enjoy each other's company. I am saving money on rent and food ...and who knows what else I'm casually mooching from my parents who seem happy to provide for me. But. Oh My God. I have to get out of here.
List of things I will NOT MISS:
-Dirty bathrooms
-Somehow feeling the need to try and make everyone in the house happy and comfortable all the time, when that is impossible and not my responsibility
-Messes made in the kitchen (common examples: remnants from Carolyn's failed baking attempts, spills from my Dad's sloppy cooking)
-The stress created by incredibly simple tasks, like figuring out when a soccer game is, or deciding what to have for dinner
-My Dad watching the entire day's worth of stand-up comedians at 10pm with the volume turned way up while he sits 3 feet away from the television. That man gets way too much use out of DVR. Nothin relaxes you after a long days work like a loud, nasaly New Jersey accent drifting into your bedroom... "...and what's with reality TV these days??!!"
-The stress of having a dog that should probably be put down. And we're going on like 6 months here. He is miserable and we are miserable about it and I'm the only one trying to insist that we just get it over with. Which makes me feel like the heartless one, somehow. Maybe because I worry that part of my motivation comes from my hatred of changing diapers for a DOG. Ok, typing that made me feel like I am right. These needs to end.
-Suburbia. Ugly beige houses. Huge SUVs driven by scary botox-filled women. Ugly architecture. Parking lots. Home Depots.
I've spent the evening looking online for art for the apartment. We also still need kitchen chairs but I am being both cheap and picky, a bad combination. I am planning garage sale and outlet mall days.
As ready as I feel to move out of my family's house, I also feel very baffled by the urgency with which my peers seem to want to do grown-up things. One of my best friends just almost had her life changed by having a baby. Sadly, she lost the baby after the first trimester. I say sadly because that is a traumatic experience for anyone, and because she was really excited about it. But I was so blown away by how happy she had been even though it was unplanned. I would FLIP SHIT if I was at this stage in my life and pregnant.
And then, the pets! Yes, animals are cute. But I am way too self-centered at this point to have any business owning a pet. I am still debating whether or not I should trust myself with a houseplant. Don't even get me started on all of these weddings. (How come 23 yr olds who are making their parents pay for huge parties for weird reasons get rewarded with gifts, and those of us living in sin get hesitant smiles and inquiries about potential "dates to save?" How about a nice toaster with that passive-aggressive sentiment?)
Ok. Petty rant over. I need to get out of Blaine.
On a lighter note, next week looks like it will be fun. Friends and family and 28-hour breaks from boys camps and interviews and fireworks!