Joe, Ash, and me stayed at my Aunt Emma's house Saturday. I was a little ... umm... nervous(?) about going, but in the end it wasn't as bad as last time and the time before that...*sweat drop*
I took a crap load of pictures, but selected a few (kind of good) ones.
Guess what, Armando! I didn't use Auto setting on most of them! XD
Here is a picture of my aunt's house. Looks like your typical ranch house. Behind there are their goats and the horses. We stayed at the second floor of the house and I had to share a bed with Ashley... T_T
Here is one of my Aunt's pets, Bandito. My God that dog was hyper. O_O It took me like 10 tries before I got this shot. The ones before were great ...just that he wasn't in them. XD Just when I thought I had the perfect shot, he would take off! T_T He has a problem of stealing people's socks...especially mine.
This is Lady, one of the gentlest dogs you can meet. She is such a sweet heart. She's a pretty old dog, around maybe 14 to 15 years old. She doesn't even bark. She just walks up to you and nudges your hand and expects you to pet her. XD Too cute! I wanted to take her home with me, but I already have 4 anit-social dogs.
Birdie... Yes it's very unique isn't it? It's kind of an anti-social bird that doesn't like cameras. Can birds glare and hiss? O.o'
Here is where all the cooking went on. To the left (which you can't see) is the kitchen where the actual party took place. A lot of the men hung out around there. They got first dips on the food since they were the ones cooking it. Joe, Ash, and me stayed there for a while until the rest of the family members showed up and decided to make our rounds. LOL
Here is Ashley's plate. Not much to it. She only got the food that she could recognize. XD
Here is my plate. I got pretty happy piling on the food. A lot of mystery meat that I got, but tasted pretty good. That bread up top of the pic is Pan de Campo. My Uncle Mike is famous for making the best kind amongst the locals. Its such a simple bread, but I couldn't stop myself from snatching some from the kitchen every once in a while. XD Anyways, I had a feeling that it was going to be the last real food I would get since school was Monday.
Ashley sitting in front of the kitchen talking to Andrew. I was bored at the time.
The field above were made of these flowers. It was pretty awesome to look at in the morning. I wanted so badly to walk through them, but it's been known that snakes inhabit that area. The whole time I was there I couldn't stop taking pictures of that one particular place.
Well to top it all off, here are a few pictures of the sunset there. I was lucky to get a plane passing by. ^_^ I wanted to stay until it was dark, but I was completely exhausted and cold.