Mar 31, 2008 10:41
This weekend was all about tubs and shorts.
We are completely remodeling our master bathroom. By completely I mean all walls, floors, ceiling, fixtures, cabinets are GONE. I have visual aids which I will post soon. So, now we're madly trying to pick new fixtures. Our old tub was your standard 5 ft tub and pretty shallow. Like I'd need to scrunch down and turn on my side to be fully submerged. Lame.
We are changing the layout in the bathroom (it's a pretty small room... not like those pictures you see in the remodeling books where it's bigger than most bedrooms... ours is kind of L shaped and about 10' long by 6'7" in the widest spot, then appx 4' where it narrows towards the door). Changing where the tub is means the new tub could be longer, but not much wider.
So, we ran around the Bay Area this weekend looking at tubs, cause I couldn't really figure it out just by looking at stuff online. I like to touch things... or in this case climb into things. Did you know there's this awesome tub warehouse in Fremont where they let you climb into the empty tubs? That was quite fun. And that, my friends, was where I discovered that 6' long tubs are the bomb. I can fully stretch out flat! And we found a couple that were only 32" wide, so will fit in the designated area just fine. We're not going for the whirlpool or airbath, though, because we're not made of money. :)
Then, yesterday, I went to ohsochic Target and Mervyn's and bought a crapload of shorts* since we're off to Hawaii in 10 days! Woohoo! Now I must find a sunhat.
*I don't normally wear shorts thus don't own any. Because, really, who wants to see my white legs... plus, there's not THAT many warm days around here. I do have some sundresses, tho, and those are coming too.