Apr 19, 2004 17:48

I can't believe I actually have home movies. I really didn't think I did. wow. my family continues to amaze me.

I'm 3 and Hunter's like 6 months or something. She's all rolling arounf on this blanket and my mom's video taping. i push her out of the blanket and start rolling around so the camera will be on me. so the answer to your question is.. yes, i've always been this way :)

it's really crazy to see yourself when you were three and be like hey, wow, i remember that and OH MY GOD THOSE WERE THE BEST JELLYBEANS. yeah. a big hoooray for reminising.

so, i decided (since i decide somethign every day, remember?) that i definitely really like d..
man, we will never be over. but who cares. im really happy with out situation right now and everything is a-ok! hurray! today! monday!

"when im with you, im ok.." :)

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