i did this because sarita did and I am apparently a copy cat

Sep 28, 2005 10:08

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bjork:
    i loved her swan dress that everyone else made fun of. i also LOVE her movie dancer in the dark- but don't watch if when mildly depressed or extremely tired. it has a terribly sand ending that made me bawl for a ridicuously long time. i think i was tired and a lot was going on in my life and it was just too much. but its good.
  2. cranberries:
    yum! maybe i will make those cranberry stirng decorations for my apartment this year. i will if i don't go home for christmas. then I'll be out of my mom's VETO power jursidiction.
  3. eating:
    food is so damn good. love it. if its good food. i'm trying to stick to eating food i only really like. unless i'm really hungry.
  4. food:
    can't have #3 without this.
  5. jumping:
    i don't remember picking that. but i do it a lot when i'm excited and i like being excited over something.
  6. mountains:
    they are beautiful to look at. but not to ride bikes up. maybe hike up. especially if there is a good view from the top.
  7. picasso:
    actually, this should be changed. a lot of his stuff is cool to look at but now i have to say i like Dali better. there is more to look at and find in them for me.
  8. rainy day parades:
    JILL SOBULE! this is awesome because it reminds me of ACP and sarita and amanda in HS. who knows, i live in a rainy part of the country now so maybe i will actually get to see one!
  9. sleeping:
    who doesn't? unless i'm having bad dreams that i can't get out of. but really, sleeping in is great.
  10. traveling:
    i love it. it is pretty much what i stash my money away for when i can. and i meet really interesting people. sometimes i get really good food (thailand) and sometimes really bad food (parts of Laos)

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