Apr 07, 2002 22:54
So i cannot recount the successfulness of this weekend. i don't know. I can reflect on my lameness at accomplishing what needs to be done and my forwardness at getting myself into big things (good and bad) as well as my tendency to face things straight on while dodging and ignoring other things. and i played my flute. and burned several cds. aww yeah.
all i know is it took HOURS to read not very much out of my reader. ay yi yi. sometimes i don't know whether i am a total moron because i have to read so slowly to understand or whether i am just a thorough reader. some days i definitely lean towards moron side.
most of my anxieties about Ghana have been greatly diffused which is good. But don't worry, in case you like hearing about them....i am OH SO SURE they will be back! haha. for real though.
and people push conformity too much, but the tricky thing is they do it under the guise of being a healthy, functional human being.
but then again nonconformity is pushed in some circles so that everyone claims to not be conformed when really they just conform to a different standard.
and a city with good public transport would be quite lovely.
and are YOU aware i have NEVER had a polio vaccine according to Kaiser? who knew....DAN. he called it back in the day when i was crippled by "polio."
Furthermore, life does not fit into several little boxes, so why the insistence on fitting here or there. Or being One or the Other. why can't life and its components be looked at more as a spectrum where things just exist sometimes?
Lastly (i think), a bird built a nest and there is an egg in Jacque's ivy on my porch! lovely. i love it, indeed.:)
and now to apply for scholarships that are not exactly applicable and out of my range. booooooooooooooooo.