Aug 25, 2005 20:22
Okay so this is so weird, tonight I was buying school clothes for Trevor. It feels like just yesterday I was holding him in the hospital when he was born. Gah, I know they grow up...but why do they do it so fast?? Yikes. I remember when I used to watch him and I would be laying down on the futon and he would be laying on me because it was the only way I could get him to take his second nap, so he would lay on me and he would put his thumb in his mouth and it was just so sweet. Also he used to have some type of obsession with his feet so he would always try to grab them, and he'd be in his swing and trying to grab them and you could see him getting all frustrated haha poor baby. Feeding him was so funny because as he got a little older, he would eat and go YUM and then after he was done he'd go nnnnnnmo which we figured out was "no more"..The first time he walked..and talked..and smiled..and giggled.Now he's just so affecionate and sweet, he's always giving me hugs and saying "I love you Krystale" AWWWWWWW. I love Dyl so much to, but Trevor is my godson and he will always be special to me. :)
Okay enough i'm all done hehe