May 25, 2006 20:17
first year of college survery thinger that everyone is doing
Where did you live? tower A
Who was/were your roommate(s)? vidya raju...and she was fabulous :)
Ever get in trouble in the dorms? no
Something you remember about when you first lived on campus? how freaking small my room was
Your campus phone number or other number: lol i have no idea i never set it up
First party attended? lol aepi on a thursday
Favorite Pizza Place? sorentos! cheap and always open :)
Favorite place to go out to eat? panera
Did you go to the library? yea club hillman...esp during finals
What was your Favorite Floor: floor
Club, Athletics, Frat or Sororities, you joined? hillel...and phi chi theta (business frat cause im that cool)
Where did you buy your books? bookstore...
Who made the best wings? i dont like wings
Ever attend a sporting event? all of the home football games, and a few basketball games
Ever attend a concert or comedic performance? lifehouse (freeeee) fallout boy and starting line, kanye west, ben folds (freeeee)
Have you ever spent the night on campus not in your dorm hall? not all of it
Favorite night to go out on, and where did you go? fri and sat...sometimes thursday...frat parties and GINZAAA
Where did you get coffee? dont like it
Go see a play or been in one? i had to go for one of my classes
Did you ever have a job at school? no
What did you hate about your college? the food started to get really annoying
What did you love most about it? my friends!!
Ever leave to go on a road trip? renee drove us around shaler (where she grew up) once
Where would you believe is the best location to live in? def towers freshman year...and the hill next year!
Graduated or still attending? still attending
Year of graduation? 2009
Will you go back? hell yea
How many parking tickets have you gotten there? none
Finally, ever gotten arrested? nope
Clasees: i dont feel like writing them
I enjoyed studying in: i dont enjoy studying.
My favorite teacher: stat teacher
Least: beverly k michael...bitch
I wish...freshman year never ended