Feb 16, 2005 02:32
Brrrrrrr... it's 2:30 in the morning and I'm online bored to shit. Why? Because I feel like shit and spent half the day sleeping with princess Maya. So, ya, I'm not dead. Me and Brian moved out again and got the same house we lived in before only the upstairs this time. My kiosk closed so I'm jobless again. Hadn't been trying too hard in January to find anything b/c we were still ok and everyone was getting rid of their seasonal help but now it's time to get my ass in gear. Did I mention that I fucking HATE job searching? I'm still not in school but will be probably this summer if only to make my loans stop. I hate school... I always hated school... and now I'm going to pay thousands for others to let me go. Where's the sense in this? No idea. Life is good. Money's always kind of tight but that's the real life so what the hell. I still haven't done my taxes because I wanted to wait for Brian to get his and Charlie's is dicking him over. Yes... I get to do my own taxes. Why? Because we're getting back jack shit and there's no point in paying someone 100 when we're only getting back not much more then that. My mother assures me it's easy so I'll be sure to have her number on speed dial when I'm doing them. Oh... and if you couldn't tell, we're talking again.
As for shit in Ma. My siblings are going to school in Fairhaven and they're all staying in that tiny house. The business is closed b/c my mother has to move the storage units and the weather makes that impossible. The money is going out very quickly and she's getting nothing in. My aunt and uncle want no part in any of it. They want to sell everything and just split the money. They even had a yardsale out of my grandfather's garage. His garage was his LIFE. I don't know how they could do that... Anyway. My cousin Nathan broke his leg skateboarding and he has some bone problem apparently so they had to put him in a full body cast. That fucked up my aunt's family's x-mas. My family, however, spent x-mas in Virginia. The kids asked me to go and it hurt so bad not to be able to but... there was no way. My first x-mas without my family was very hard. Not that I didn't get everything I wanted and more. Brian got me everything... and I got him pretty much everything he asked for. It was a pretty goddamn expensive x-mas that's for damn sure.
Other then that... bah... I dunno. Can't think right now. Feel like shit. Can't sleep. Bah. That's all...