Jan 26, 2006 14:31
ok so i think im going to do it im going to close my eyes and jump. its better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all. maybe things will turn out great and ill have the time of my life or maybe it will blow up in my face and in a few months all be sitting on my bed continplating,spelled way wrong, suecide. but i refuse to become one of those scared little girls who never live and hey its just a boy and boys are stupid and i dont think a stupid boy will be able to do to much damage. ok so now that, thats over with i can start having the time of my life again!!!!! god sometimes i love being me its so much fun and exciting. i was looking at the way ive changed over the years and whoa its like different people ive gone from tottal good girl to a girl who always wanted to be wasted, on some kind of drug and at a party doing god knows what with god knows who and now back to a some what good girl who goes to school on the weekdays and partys durning the weekends and has way more self conrtol i never get high anymore and besides new years i never drink past my limit anymore i think im pretty happy with life right now i mean lifes just a bunch of people with feelings collidding into eachother hoping to make the best of it and when your old and about to die you rember the good feelings so i want to make as many good times as i can so when im old and in my death bed i can have a smile on my face and be happy with my life i dont want to remember screwing it up when i was just a young dumb headed teen!!!! god i cant wait to go to college fuck yeah connie sierra is graduating early damn strait i am and im going to have the best fucking time ok well i have alot of erons spelled wrong to do so i better get started before my mommy gets home which wont be till like ten wow sometimes it feels like i live by myself i dont mind though i love being able to do what i want and be in tottal control of my life ok so i think rainy your the only one who reads this so hope you had a good day Q-T i did lol bye bye