Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they? It's two days left until I go back to Vancouver. This is good because it means - school's starting soon, I have a new futon, I get to run in Vancouver which is closer to sea-level, and most importantly I get to see my amazing friends and Julia. This is bad/terrifying/awful because - I already miss my kitties, I barely got to see my Calgary friends, I'm leaving my home YET AGAIN, I'm not ready for school to start up again, I have no money, I'm not ready to be a 4th year, much less to be doing the scary almost-graduated things, I don't like the hot humidity, I believe I've become a total hermit over the summer, not to mention an emotional screw-up and I miss my sisters and - just - baaah!
Some good/interesting things have happened here in the last while. We had an impromptu barbecue at my place last Friday, and I had a really great time. It's fantastic that
indigo_mallorn is back in town. :-)
I'm also looking after this kitty: Milo, cat of Sue, who works at Chapters and is on holiday in Disneyland.
He's very sweet but he's starved for interaction and especially kitty interaction; he obeys very silly rules like not being able to jump up on the counter or the tabletops, or to go downstairs. (Confession: actually, he did obey these rules, but weeks on his own and my encouragement have made him come to the conclusion that they are stupid. Now he's almost as bad as my kitties.) Milo will go absolutely crazy for a kitty toy on a stick; he had a tiger-striped goldfish which is clearly his favourite, which he has pretty much gutted now. Another facet of the starved-for-kitty-interaction is Milo's meow: I'm used to the heartfelt wails of kitties such as Mr. Love, but Milo's best method of expressing himself is to say, very poignantly and softly - Oh!-oh! Oh-oh! (Not uh-oh, but oh-oh, on the same note.) It's the most darling thing you ever heard. You pick Milo up and he doesn't like it: oh!-oh!
In other news, Bessie Smith, our oldest kitty (who is 14), went to the vet yesterday to have a teeth-cleaning/extraction operation. Bessie has needed this done for ages and we finally did it. Here's to Bessie's recovery and no-longer-hurting mouth!
In still other news, I had my last day at Chapters yesterday. Nobody there ever believes I'm really leaving anymore, which produces mixed feelings in me. This summer I was in charge of the sci-fi, fantasy, and horror sections, including endcaps and a table - yay. Otherwise, I guess I wasn't particularly happy working there this summer, at least for most of it. I had very good moments and days, but otherwise... (Vie: James wrote on my going-away poster/card that it was nice to meet someone else who uses the phrase 'self-immolation'. Hah!)
I hope everything is going well for you all in your last few weeks of freedom. Be nice to yourselves. Everything will be all right.
Edit: doesn't my journal look beautiful?? Click on it to view from my perspective. If you can't appreciate the gloriousness of this discovery of picture options in LJ formatting, edit your window size until you can see beatific smile after smile of Bessie Smith. And then do your own. If this is easy enough that I can manage it, fancy up your own. I am immensely pleased with myself. I'm thinking of getting a new quote, but I find I like this one so much it'll take a lot of effort to part with it.