As promised. ;)
Oh yes:
RVD TV? I'd pay for it. Then again, I'm crazy. XD Boo on the fact that there's no Sabu, though. I don't want Chris Masters on my Tv Pc, I'd much rather have your bestestest buddy Sabu on there.
He's such a dork. And I love him for it. XD Supposedly he's going to be totally honest about his lifestyle. Somehow I figure nothing I see is going to surprise me, but it'll be fun and useful for the ficcage. Oh yes, I'm going to watch it under the guise of 'research'. Muhahaha.
Still, such a dork. *snickers*
Ehm, yeah, so I'm getting closer and closer to finishing all 100 drabbles for the Fanfic100 challenge. Would be cool to actually finish them all, even if some of the prompts give me a headache. RVD/Sabu is not a good pairing when it comes to writing about the wonderful and the shiny. Makes for troubling ficlets. Anyway, I'm roughly at 80 now, just have to finish one or two around the 75 mark. (Grrr.) Perhaps I'll post some more of them then. :)
I've also been working on 'Things Change', which has been going well, and have written the basic premise for the third 'Always Good Enough'. So, yes, I have been busy. Somewhat. Kinda.
So damn tiring, after not going to school for a long time. The travelling kills me, especially the useless train ride. *snore* So boring. I've tried writing, but I have so many stops inbetween that I can't. -_-
The class I'm in is great, though, they're all pretty friendly. One of them even takes the same trains as I do. We've been chatting pleasantly and all that. I'm looking into going to Ireland for that 7 week stay abroad, and if that doesn't go through then I've got a pretty sure bet somewhere in London. A friend of the family lives there, so that could work. Only I've been there countless times, so I'd rather go somewhere else. But we'll see.
Joeeeeey! *snugs* What are you looking at, sweetie?
Oh, God, no. Sabu's not involved in this, is he?
*smiles weakly* Hey, Terry!
Funk, hun, what are you doing?
Don't be hurting poor Joey, he can't help it that Sabu has gone in hiding and refuses to come out.
It's not his fault either that Rob is suspiciously absent as well.
Joey: *snickers* "No, I have no idea where they are or what they're up to."
Funk: "Liar!"
So, Tommy shows up to save Joey. Such a good boy, Tommy is.
Funk: "Where is Sabu? Where is Van Dam? Why is everyone hiding from me."
Dreamer: "Because there's always inapropriate groping going on when you're around. Now get out of the ring!"
Can I just point out Joey's AWESOME expression? *giggles*
Rob: "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty, and gaaaaaay!"
Rob: *smirks*
Sila: "Yes, Rob. That's....very nice."
OMG. It's Viscera, Big Daddy V, Mabel!
Shane: "I can kill you with my brain."
Shane: "No, really."
I think I posted a cap from this a while back. This is better quality. Which isn't saying much.
Do I even have to point out that he's wearing pink pants? Probably not, right?
Sila: "Yes, Sabu, we noticed."
Sabu: "Damnit."
Aaah, Sabu is such a klutz. Can't even manage to not stand on his own clothes. It's a wonder he hasn't broken his neck over the years. Oh, wait...
Sneak attack! Those Damn Dudleys, attacking the preciouses (Preciousssses?) from behind. Booo! Only because they cost you the titles. That's unreasonable.
They only kinda attacked them.
And put D-Von on a table...
To then....well, you can guess what came next. Also note the fact that Sabu managed to stumble and fall down initially. *pets*
Kindly stop staring at Sabu's crotch. Really.
I wouldn't do it, Sabu. Who knows where that hand's been. You have much prettier things to 'do' anyway. (God, I'm terrible...)
*oggles* Rob, what are you doing?
Rob: "Nothing! Absolutely nothing!"
Rob: "Pretty and witty and..." *whistles*
*eyes Rob suspiciously*
Sabu: "Stupid fucker..."
Sila: "Sabu, hun, why is Rob so cheery?"
Sabu: "....Grrrrr, the stupid fucker."
Sabu: *snarls* "That stupid, cocksucking, motherf..."
Sila: O_O *turns sound down* "Heh, that's....nice." *shudders and backs away*
Fonzie: "What did you do?"
Rob: "That's my little secret, hee."
Rob: "Damn, there's a lot of ugly in the ring tonight..."
Sila: "Perhaps you should go brush your hair, or something."
Rob: "Shut up."
Rob: "I don't really want to go in there now..."
Rob: "I might catch something."
Rob: "Then again..."
Rob: "The outside isn't much better. At all."
Sila: "God, your hair is pretty."
Rob: "Shut up, I'm thinking."
Sila: "Wow, alert the media."
Rob: *glares*
Rob: "Hey, Sabu's in the ring!" *crawls in*
Sila: "D'oh."
Rob: "Hey, Sabu? About earlier? I didn't mean -"
Sabu: "I'm not talking to you!"
Rob: "Awww."
Sabu: "No talking to him."
Sabu: "No thinking about him."
Sabu: "No looking at - DAMNIT!"
Rob: "Ahaha, you lose. You can't resist me, really."
Sabu: "Shut up! I hate you!"
Rob: *snickers* "You're so cute!"
Sabu: "Stop that!"
Rob: "Now what awesome things can I do..."
Rob: "I know! Move around and make everyone totally jealous of my awesomely pretty hair. Weeeh!"
Rob: "Aren't I pretty?"
Tommy: "God, I hate that man."
Sabu: "Go away, I can fix my own boots!"
Shane: "Guys... Can we get on with this?"
Rob: "But they're all so ugly."
Sabu: "Grrrr."
Sila: *spies something from the corner of her eye* "Rob, what are you...?"
Sila: "Oh, right..."
Sila: "You know, he's not looking at you..."
Rob: "I'll make him look. Perhaps if I use my other leg and grunt a bit...."
Rob: "Damnit, didn't work."
Rob: "Pay attention to me!!" *whines*
Sabu: "Eh?"
Rob: "Please?" *touches cheek*
Sabu: O_O
Sabu: "Stop being such a slut and go kick some people in the head!"
Rob: "Why?"
Sabu: "Just go do it!"
Rob: "Oooh, now I get it! You want to oggle my ass. You could have said so, you know."
Rob: "You're so cute when you're flirting."
Sabu: *sighs*
Shane: "Guys..."
Rob: "Shut up, I'm busy!"
Shane: "But we have a match..."
Rob: "Aw, fuck it. Fine."
Rob: "But I'll get a present afterwards, right?"
Sabu: "Goddamnit. FINE. Now go wrestle!"
Rob: "Score!"
Sabu: "Oi! D-VON! Stop touching my boyfriend's ass!"
Sila: "Waaait, I spy more pink."
Sabu: *groans* "No, you don't."
Sila: "Yes, I'm quite sure I spy more pink."
Sila: "So...either you're wearing orange pants with a pink edge to them, or..."
Sila: "Or you're wearing pink underwear."
Sabu: *hides*
Rob: "Oooh, I wonder which one it is.."
Rob: "I look forward to finding out."
Rob: "But first it's time to be awesome."
Rob: "Awesome achieved!"
Sabu: "Limelight hogging son of a..."
Sabu: "Oh, I was just talking about you."
Rob: "Nono,I want to restrain Sabu!"
Taz: "See, we can be civilised."
Taz: "Or at least I can be."
Taz: "By the way, did you know there's a piece of tape stuck to your face?"
Rob: "I wanna restrain him again! Get away! MINE!"
Sila: "Another match, same slut problems."
Rob: "Stop touching me!"
Sila: "Rob is being all pretty."
Sila: "And gets assaulted because of it."
Rob: *whines* "Sabu, help me!"
Sabu: *steps back* "Nahuh, it's your own fault."
Rob: "Damnit, Sabu, why didn't you help me!?"
*off camera* "Because you're a slut."
Rob: "What did you just say?"
Rob: "Only when it comes to Sabu, you hear?!"
Sabu: "There's a good boy. Now you can tag me."
Rob: "Fuck that shit."
Rob: *acts all slutty*
Rob: "I rule!"
Sabu: "No, you don't. Now watch your back!"
Rob: *promptly gets thrown down* "Owww."
Sabu: *sighs* "Predictable."
Rob: "I'm not going back in there, that hurt!"
Sabu: "Pussy."
Sabu: "You just be glad I like fucking you."
Rob: "Well, then, go act all macho and shit!"
Rob: "Yeah, that went well."
Sabu: "Shut up!"
Sabu: "Is the brat still whining?"
Sabu: "He is? No surprise there."
Rob: "You touch him indecently, and I will kick your head off!"
Rob: "You suck at this knight in shining armour thing!"
Sabu: "Just be glad you suck too, otherwise I wouldn't keep you around."
Rob: "Grrr."
Sabu: "God, Raven's talking again." *discreetly stares into space*
Sabu: "It means nothing."
Sabu: "Besides, my friend here is wearing leopard print."
Sila: "You do that too, sometimes... Only you make it all shiny and stuff. You gay it up even more."
Sabu: *glares*
Sila: *snicker*
Sila: "Aww, the boys are playing. How cute."
Sila: "Okay, so we're done playing."
Sabu: "You suck!"
Sila: "No, that would be Rob."
Monty: *jumps* "Mine!"
Sila: "Hahahaha. Ehm, no."
Monty: "Let's see how far Sabu can bend."
Sila: "Ehm, hold up, he's no RVD, you know..."
Sila: "Hey! I'm impressed. ^^"
Sila: "God, my retinas..."
Sila: "Oh, dear, the psycho has a table..."
Sila: "Two prime examples of what not to wear. Unless you're like me and love Sabu when he's wearing pink."
Sila: "Don't get any ideas, pal..."
Sabu: "I hate this part."
Sabu: "But this part is even worse. Owww."
Sila: "Nonono, Sabu in high - *snerk* - places is never a good thing."
Sila: "Sabu doesn't believe in the common way of getting down stairs."
Sila: "So he just rolls down them instead."
Sabu: "I hate stairs."
Sila: "I bet."
Sabu: "I hate this part too."
Monty: "I iz Taz!"
Monty: "I smash!"
Sila: "Ooooh, cages!"
Sila: "Is this the part where we bring out the bondage, too?" *eager*
Sila: "Awww, the security doesn't agree. Damnit."
And Melissa, I'm working on those matches! ^^