May 04, 2006 02:23
so...prom was last saturday (april 29) & it was sooooo much fun. let's c...saturday @ 11:15 i had an appointment @ hairzoo, but they didn't start doin my hair till like 11:30. however, it was well worth the wait. my hair looked so cool. it was done up & had little pieces all over the place. it was soo cool 2 do sumthin different instead of the down curly style that every 1 else did. then, @ like 3:30 ish i got to ashley's house. that was fun. the girl (whose name was also ashley) did my makeup really cool. it was dramatic. the eyes were white in the corners & faded 2 black & my lips were a pinkish shade that looked really cool & actually lasted all night. after all that we went 2 the beach 2 get a few pics taken & of course my shoes were off. lol. the shoes were cute, but were sooo uncomfortable. when we got 2 prom it was cool. like, it is aquinas, so there wasn't a red carpet outside w/ every1 standin around...the red carpet was more like a red folder thrown on the ground after u walk in. lol. when we got in i couldn't believe how good every1 looked...but, of course, i looked the best. lol. & when i was visitin i walked by the dude i like & he said i looked nice. yeah...that just sbout made my night. my table 4 dinner was pretty cool. there was me, helen, billy, london, dave, emily, jeremy, & karen. the food was really good,2...specially the chocolate mouse. yummy. then, the dancin started. omg! uber fun! we got r group pic taken & managed 2 fit 15 of us in it. lol. omg! so..the dude that said no 2 goin 2 prom w/ me came up & danced w/ me & was like u look so pretty 2nite. yeah...that was an akward dance. but, we danced 2 1 more song kinda, & then we danced 2 the last song 2gether which was a slow song. after prom me, manda, kelly, dan, steve, tom & his date, & alex & his date all went bowlin & then to amanda's. it was all cool till tom & alex & their dates left b/c then i started 2 feel like the 5th wheel, but dan was cool. was...bearable. idk...there is nothin else 2 big updates over the past few days other than i got a new digital camera & will b gettin a new phone. sweet, ik. lol. well, sumtime soon i will have sum pics of me from prom on my myspace. i look insanely cute. lol. so...i'm out. PEACE.