stacey's mom has got it going on

May 02, 2004 18:38

Go to your 23rd lj entry and find the 5th sentence.....Post it with these instructions....

"sarah's mom wanted to help us by giving directions, my parents gave us their cd player and car adapter."

i went to arlington this weekend. my dad gave me a ride up. he also cleaned out my gutters. yay house! i went to sleep early on friday to get up in time for my 8 o'clock run. The run is part of the training program i'm in to get me ready for the marathon. it's a 6 month program. i really wish i had gotten better time on my mile. the women in my group are really weird. one didn't seem as weird. but 1 out of 4 is crappy odds. i guess i should be nicer, but i was dissapointed. i hope more people join the group. and i hope i get faster. but atleast the normal seeming one is going to dublin, so i'll know someone. oh! on thursday me and rachel painted my living room yellow and it's awesome. i can't wait to get a second coat on there. i got some upholstery fabric from my mom. it's pretty hott. my throat hurts like A LOT. it's because i forgot to take my allergy medecine. oi. allergies suck. alright that's all. it's the end of the semester and i have nothing to do so come visit me in richmond!
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