
Aug 05, 2007 12:01

Somebody opened one of my front window screens in the middle of the night and my diabetic cat Swifty escaped. Whoever did it couldn't get in the house because the inside window has a lock. Nothing was missing. Aside from my cat.

Swifty is strictly an indoor cat and he's kind of old so I'm pretty upset about it. I've been walking all around and Becky made posters so we put those up and I don't know what else to do.


He's big and friendly and talkative so I hope he makes some noise or figures out where home is or something soon. He needs his insulin. And to not be missing.

And I feel bad because the caption on that picture was "Please, Help Me Escape" and somebody did.

Oh and my stupid fucking neighbor says he saw Swifty on my porch at what must have been about 6:30, just before I got up to walk the dog, and put him back through the window but didn't shut the window. WTF?
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