putting the puzzle back together

Feb 04, 2006 19:44

gosh after so long everything is coming back together. the depression is going away and i am feeling so much better. things at home are going well too. mom has been nicer and i havent been kicked out. the fights are less and its nice. i started at a new youth group that is really helping me out. the speaker last wekk seemed like she was talking right to me. she was really cool and said a lot of things that really made me feel good about myself and helping clear up some stuff. i am so excited that my parents are going to let me go to mexico with this youth group too! i was so excited that i called my family in korea to tell them. they are all very excited too. my parents have never let me go and tell others about Jesus, so this is really going to be great.
school is going good too. got my grades up, and new classes start monday. i am excited, that and kayla will be in mi clase de espanol, so that should be fun! and SWIMMING IS OVER ON FRIDAY!!! YES! as some of you know (and others are lucky they dont) with swimming we are not allowed to shave our legs until the day before districts... so i am SUPER happy about that! well yeah, starting to rant a bit and probably boring a lot of you. so i am going to call some people and make some plans tonight. i am getting rather bored myself.
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