Writer's Block: The Nose Knows

Sep 12, 2007 16:32

can't say i have one really. do like foody ones - onions frying, bread baking... maybe because i'm hungry. there is a fondness for mr. clean universal cleaning product. shit, am i homesick for 1984?

others: lilac - reminds me of the bushes outside my parents' house, would notice it walking home from school. Bodyshop sandalwood oil, reminds me of being 14. Oh! Ok, acne-fighting skin care products from the eighties - SeaBreeze astringent toner, Noxema (why i used it, i'll never know), Clean & Clear. Not that i had a problem or felt i needed to scour my face with industrial strength chemicals to feel clean. smells like optimism. smells like teen spirit.

writer's block

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