May 25, 2008 00:15
do all band banquets take for-fucking-ever?!
I'm flying solo this weekend b/c the dude is in Indy! god bless him. the lad has a soccer tourney this weekend so I was over at the coast doing my part cheering him on. I did NOT bitch at refs today, nor did I make fun of players from the other team. I'm maturing!
they lost the first match 4-0. ouch. but the lad held his own. His teamates though? not so much. The second game was called due to lightning and rescheduled for 8pm tomorrow night. The first game is at 2pm tomorrow. But, could we chill out at the beach after the game? Nooooooooooo b/c some band parent thought having the banquet on a saturday during a holiday weekend made sooooooo much sense!
We drove home. I collapsed on the couch for a quick nap. The lad went to starbucks to hang with his sister and get jacked up on a venti mocha java chip or sumthin. I was in a coma. He pops in around 5:25, the banquet *started* at 5:30pm. I took a quick shower, tried to wake up then we dashed over to school arriving at 5:41, HA!. then waited in line as 180 band geeks and their geekier parents waited in line. It was hot as balls too. I could feel the sweat dripping down my back. ewww.
Dinner was chicken, mixed veggies and fettucine alfredo. It was all very bland. But since the theme of the night was 'night at the movies', the decorating committee had put boxes of movie candy on all the tables!! sweet! the lad had a box of whoppers and I scored a box of milk duds and junior mints. And there were costumes!!! some of the kids had some really killer costumes, and leave it to band geeks to go all out. the lad bought himself a killer hat at Ron Jon's and wore that along with a t-shirt and cargo shorts. I asked him who he was and he said, you know, that dude in the hat. 'That guy' that is in all the movies. BWAH!
Anyway, I rarely saw the lad, he was socializin'. I hoofed it over to the auditorium for the awards crap. Every grade was called up and given their shit. The seniors were all congratulated on a great 4 yrs, they gave out their special awards, then they gave out the real awards, honored the boosters, announced who the new leadership would be within the band, the drum majors, section chairs/captains, ad infinitum. There are even librarians, who knew? Then there was the video. It was a great video and montage of the year, But criminy, it was AN HOUR long!!!!! GOOD LORD!
Then we went home. phew!