SO many good news for the past days I am writing an entry...

Jul 06, 2008 02:43

I have joined the Yamapi_blue team that collects Code Blue promo clips. The busiest day we got was the day of CB's premier episode. When I woke up  know that there are a lot of ciips to look forward to that day so I opened my PC. And yes, before I knew it, the clips came one by one. I was stuck on my sit infront of the PC DLing and ULing just going away only to eat lunch and dinner. Before I knew it, it was 12pm. Well the experiene was tiring but it was a lot of fun working with wonderful people who love Yamapi as I do! ^_^

But in the middle of the projects action, I got a call. It was from HR dept of the company I am applying for. He was askng me to come to their office the next day! I was so happy! The next day I got my very first job after some interviews. I also did my medical and I will just complete the papers that they are asking me. On that same day, (friday) I got another letter and my first ever JE purchase! Summertime and Aiai gasa singles!

Then whe I got online I saw that the pre-order are going on for the pacific con. I want it too. Though at CDJapan LEs are out of print already. Wah so fast!  But I will try my best to get a copy of it since its the first ever Tokyo Dome con of NEWS!I am proud of them! >.<

Also,  wanna say my congratulations to the Code Blue productions for the high pilot episode! I am looking forward to story of this drama (though I am not a fan of medical dramas). Another congratuations must be directed to HYD crew for the first screening of the movie! I know it would be a hit with that kind of ending. I hope my happiness would still continue until next week. One of the days would be my special day. >.<

EDIT:  I just read that Calvin Chen would be coming with Wu Chun next weekend! Wah! Can't wait for that! He's the Farenheit member that I flial much because of his pretty smile. When wll Pi visit us here. *gets bricked* That is just my wishful thinking! Hehehe...>.< 

code blue, rants, hyd

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