pops in and out of here.

Sep 09, 2011 18:05

ROFL. I've been away from LJ for quite sometime and its refreshing to write another non-sensical entry. ahahahaha! Well for one I am sick right now. lol. been to stress about work and at the same time fandom related activities that has been going around for quite some time and I have been supporting. So there my body just fell its natural track was ( Read more... )


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katzsong September 9 2011, 10:14:42 UTC
It takes you to get sick to post here, ne? XD /bricked
Get well soon, partner *gives blanket, hot soup, and a warm hug*

btw, my new fandom is AAA and Tumbling cast ;D you should try them. Try AAA "Daiji na Koto", coz the song is awesome <3


lakuru_san September 9 2011, 11:06:03 UTC
*takes the soup, the blanket and the warm hug*

I say yes... cause if you like got 3 days off just dozing like a rock and on the 4th day you got nothing to do all you wanted and itch was to make a random post away from family and other people who knows you in person LJ is a right place to run to. FB is too noisy to unleash my thoughts. lol.

Sometimes LJ feels like a place where I can let my mind run wild and not bother if anyone can read it. :D

next time when I wont be easily dragged by sleepiness I'll let you drag me ito that. ahahahaha! sorry about the last skype... that was the day my body started giving in to sickness.


katzsong September 9 2011, 11:40:51 UTC
aww, rest well then. When u're healthy n strong enough, i will ramble to u about how much I adore this little guy named Nissy from AAA, coz he's loud and funny. Not to mention cute n omg his voice XD in a gud way.

Anyway, u can catchup a lot of drama during this time ahaha


lakuru_san September 10 2011, 11:49:22 UTC
yes, doc! in the next days I think I'll be better. argh just hating those tons of medicines. >.<


katzsong September 10 2011, 11:54:01 UTC
eh, what kind of medicines r u taking? Dun forget to eat well too :)


lakuru_san September 10 2011, 12:52:59 UTC
er.... anti-viral, cough meds, and for my allergies and some vit c. my taste-buds so bad with all those meds but well I am trying to eat well despite that. >.


katzsong September 10 2011, 13:21:48 UTC
what kind of anti viral? Name? Sorry habit :P
I know the feeling. One of the reason I like salty food, coz once when i was sick, the only thing that i can taste is salt xD
do try to eat, dear. Coz tons of meds means nothing without proper eating.


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