Dear f-list... I swear I will be back!~

Mar 17, 2011 00:11

I have been itching to make a post ages ago but I am always tired and distracted. Well especially with the disaster in Japan and how panicky our government scared that when something like that happens in our country there will be more damages. I will continue praying for Japan and for the world. We have to combat the Mayan civilization predictions with prayers that I believe.

Ah... so many things to rant about. RL I fail at my resolve to leave my current work. Dammit so many opportunities are opening that's why I cannot somehow bring myself to leave it. I will give it one last shot and if things never went my way I am really out.
Fandom wise.... I am crossing borders and not limiting myself to JE. LOL. well L'Arc was originally my first fandom love so its not a surprise if my fandom increased. Somehow I am getting to know hot guys and ridiculously I am loving Hamao Kyosuke  (thanks to otai for correcting my name fail) too much... maybe half-step behind yasuda and getting into watching BL movies and *gasp* I am liking yaoi. Well I have to acknowledge when you ship yasuba/subassan yaoi is not impossible to love. Gah... so many things I am behind. I am also trying to catch up with AK, BR  and karaokenatic and horde/watch more dramas. I am also getting myself immersed in the tenimyu world I cannot help it.

*ends incoherent ramblings here*


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