Sep 12, 2010 23:59


SO FINALLY THE LEAKS ARE OUT! YEHEY! This time its faster than the eito's Life's "Prologue" by a couple of hours. LOL. Watched it over at YT before the post at news_jpop got deleted and heck I can't wait for download links. I am not sleeping unless I got hold of the it. XD

tracklist: Sakura Girl, Snow Express, Aki no Sora, Summertime and a little bit of Forever.

Having loved Aki no Sora the first time I listened to it, so its the first one I watched. ROFL the cut started with NEWS practicing ad well the first thing I noticed was tegoshi being sheepish over one mistake of his and he is so cute. AND SHOOT ONE OF THEIR BACK UPS IS WEARING A PACIFIC SHIRT THAT IS COLOR BLACK. o.o I want that. Argh... everyone is so playful it has a nice aura to it. No awkward NEWS. They have come a long way and I guess we are having this cause its not boring, AND OMFG WE GET TO SEE RYO PLAYING PIANO WITH AWESOME SKILLS well before he got distracted and failed. Ahehehe. Now I know how he collaborated with my dear shota in Snow White. XD

Song proper, tegoshi's voice is so pretty its a nice start! OK everyone did good but tego just stood out next to massu's hitting beautiful high and low notes. wtf tegomass when will you fail to amaze me with your vocals What I love about NEWS is their epic blending on live. They always always blend well together.

SUMMERTIME: Most probably my most favorite NEWS song aside from Hoshi which is so important to me. I MUST SAY THAT SUMMERTIME ARRANGEMENT IS SO PRETTY AND I SIMPLY LOVED IT! Have I stated somewhere in this post that yamapi looks so good ohmygad he looks so handsome with the hair style and in suit! Also I massu distracted me with his dimples and we get to hear a sample of his loooooow voice. That killed me srsly! I know (katrinasacay Kat I will not snag massu but i can't resist his dimples! XD And here I get to see how Ryo suggests how to perform parts here and there. And OMG he is wearing his eito earpiece. :D Shige raps! As much as I love tegomass' voices I have an overly biased liking on Shige's manree voice.

Sakura Girl: As much as I wanted to remember more of SG my mind kind of got stuck with the first to songs I heard. ROFL. So I have to rewatch and find something epic cause again every song is epic. Ok what I love about this perf is of course the piano and the orchestra! Again I love Shige's parts here. Probably i got stuck with his parts will listening ROFL tho I can perfectly follow through tego's parts.  I always had the liking of the "Love Sakura" part aat the end and I think I loved the blending there the most for the song. Since it is the start we get to hear massu and ryo getting awed by the venue! XD And we got again to see the leader in Ryo. He has the leader aura. even in eito when they are deciding on the title of Life.

Snow Express: ROFL. MassuPi and KeiTego playfulness! Just do it! NEWS are these signs for me to decided already?! Ack.. real life decisions.... OK THIS SONG YAMAPI SO OWNS IT! AND AGAIN MY OVERLY BIAS ON SHIGE'S MANLY VOICE! ♥ We don't get to hear the raps but its ok. And I had fun watching Ryo having a hard time on the transition of his parts to the group parts. Ahahaha! I had an epic time having that in mind! I am kind of bad to ryo but I love him.

Forever unplugged is better than the studio one its a shame we only get bits of it.

PS: Is it just me or Ryo is overly talking and his presence is just there in the unplugged... I love him here just a little too much. I hope he'll be always like this. XD Koyama I am sorry I can't flail over you in here. I do love you and you look good and all but I can't find parts where he's is striking. Well aside from the Keitego moment. He did sound good but I was more amazed by the other members. 
Gah first time doing such crazy almost detailed rants over here. But I had fun writing nonsense. :D

On the other side of fandom. Eito... you are making me cry....with happiness I guess. a movie in a album how cool can you get to be the first to do that! thaank you for not disappointing me but my wallet. ROFL. Well this is the day of my fandoms.

worth buying!, eito, news

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