
Sep 05, 2010 06:54

Yehey 2nd short post in a day! XD

Well I had the urge to post again I dunno why... I don't have something special to write about I am even sick to really think properly.  Ahehehe. Anyways the point of this post is that I have been bringing back my love for j-rock. Yeah I started with it. Cause they are awesome. My first babies if I can call them babies were L'Arc~en~ciel. I think I won;t get tiredof their music I always always go back to them. And hey they will be back! I am waiting for it! XD Great thing was last week, I when to a japanese bargain store along with my friend glenny she has an lj but I can't figure where the hell is it. ROFL. and she found treasure... like L'Arc, Gackt, Glay even tokio's old album/singles that is cost more or less 2USD for 3. LIKE WOAH... cheap! So I right away bought Glay, rare collection (since I love them), L'Arc's Neo Universe single, Real album and Hyde's Horizon. XD They are used has some little scratches here and there but still its original and still good. XD

ROFL my bedsheet fail... HELLO KITTY against j-rock.

I am so happy with this that well right now I am running through and listening to it. Wah... I love it. Glay's song Together is pretty. I really have the dibs on music that has piano's on it. Just too pretty. *_*  Larc as usual I loved Finale and Stay away! Maybe after Driver's high the two songs got me smitten more. and *ahem* the PV's are pretty. epic. XD *continues to listen more*  XD

Oh and other thing... ever since Life ~Me no Mae no Mukou e~ was released... tegoyan_desu and I connived to cover and do a duet of it so there it is:
 Life ~Me no Mae no Mukou e~ (tegoyan and lakuru)

Enjoy our little escapade and have fun listening to it! :D

PS: I shock of my life! my HS batchmate is now a beauty queen after trying and failing last year she wins now! Congrats Barbie Salvador! I knew you'll pull it off cause your smart and pretty! XD

cover, k8, j-rock

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