Gimme a Break~

Jul 01, 2010 23:18

Hi flist!~ Random things again. ROFL. I want a break. I wanna relax a bit and chill... but things are just starting and I am kind of stressed. But I'll handle it I always can handle it. *cries* Masters, work and Japanese classes plus fangirling are volatile to ones sanity. O.O I almost cry finishing my hw and report for my masters but then we did not have classes today! So much for getting prepared.

Anyways, Philippines have a new president and administration. I long ago want to post something about that when he was proclaimed but busy life made me forget about that. Hmmm... I see system change, I see a good man and I wanna believe his words "kayo ang boss ko" (you are my boss) the Pilipino nation. 
Right now the goverment felt kind of right and I see it as a good sign. P-Noy (President Noynoy would wanna call himself that) I think is the only President that is single when he took the presidency. I dunno if he'll get married soon. ROFL. Quoting from Ted Failon "Ninoy Aquino the martyr, President Cory Aquino the icon of democracy and now Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III the 15th President of the Republic of the Philippines." His parents have become part of history and imparted their legacy, I hope he'll follow it too as the president. He has 6 years to prove himself.

I long ago gave up that I'll find this shirt but here it is! Ahohoho! 

Er... Me, the shirt and see Shota at my mirror. I swear I have Shige, NEWS, eito and friends pictures in there! Plus my other girly stuff! ROFL.

That message at the back of the shirt is one of the reasons I want to have it!

Did I say that I got the shirt together with Shota's 818 pamphlet?! At first I got a bit disappointed with the overall packaging of the pamphlet but when I opened it I knew the worth is what's inside. :D


Went to the mall with friends.
On the left: Epic things are epic! I went to DQ bought my friends some blizzards and ice cream, they spelled my name right and hey No. 9! ROFL.
On the right: I think they are key chains. But it strongly reminded me of YASUBA! I love it! LOL on the price and in dollars I think they are about S1 each. XD

I bought this thing on impluse because its on sale. ROFL. Blame Rolling Coaster for it. I thought my mom and dad would endlessly scold me for paying downpayment for it. But on the contrary it made my mom happy to be able to play piano (or something like that again) that on the same day I was able to buy it. Ahahaha!

P.S. Patch! Patch! Patch! I am dying to know the continuation of the Prologue! Is killing me with that door! I wanna break in! Kanjani8 is freakin hot in the video and it will go to my phone! XD

real life, politics, worth buying!, pic spam

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