
Apr 17, 2010 00:43

I have been usy like hell for the past week. Life can't you get any harder?! Argh... I don't wanna think about work and my additional workload that I can't seem to cut down. I was planning to go overtime tomorrow but argh power blackout at the office for maintenance.

On a brighter note, I have started my Japanese classes last sat! I enjoy it though I still cant seem to memorize hiragana XD! Ack! I have a test tommorrow. I need to study after this. ROFL. I will memorize it all and pass tomorrow's exam. Ahahaha! I also had my orientation today for my masteral. It will start by May. ROFL. I dunno how I can juggle work super overload , Japanese classes, masteral and fangirling (meaning meeting with friends), singing and mixing. Ahahaha! But I will gambare! XD Like how I predicted 2010 should be a productive year for me. Though I haven't taken the linguistics undergrad I was planning to take, I am quite happy with the diversion to my original plan (cause I still get to study Japanese)! :D

I won the puzzle shirt that was up for bidding at Ate Kat's (amane_nakashima ) multiply and I will get it after class tomorrow! Can you sense my happiness?! ROFL. I really want that shirt pretty badly and on a happier note I think its quite cheap to think I cant get it anywhere! Now I will have to save up for other items I wanna auction! XD My kyocera dvd, mags and puzzle album I got will be in my had soonish thinking about that makes excited! XD

Another thing... there are rumors going about that Big Bang will be having a concert with 2ne1 on July here in the Philippines?! I hope this is true cause it'll be a great bday present for me! XD and for sure I'll get vip tix to see seungri baby!

Phew! at least I had that get out of my system or I will burst.

rants, k8, random

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