Late... Late... Late...

Dec 20, 2009 00:06

Well as the heading the finishing touches of this journal has not been done. LOL. Go me! Though I should be nearly done. I blame work and my computer cause I am procastinating on mixing the AK Xmas songs cause I had to reformat. But I need someone to fix my pc and check my hardwares that needs to be replaced. >.< there goes my okane.

On the other hand, I cant wait for my K8 singles and Puzzle DVD! Yehey! I with I am officially entering the K8 fandom and spending on them. *head slap* I want to flail about so much stuff. So randomness coming.

1)  Yamato Nadashiko... Tego as Yuki. I will see Uchi on screen again. *flail* OMG! ike tegoshi so fits the role after proving himself on the NWPD DVD! I can't wait to watch it! :D

2) Romes.... Yasu! Damn why does he looks so hot?! I am blinded. Oh and why did Yasu tell us about the greensilk bed sheet he bought and sleeping naked? O.o Now I wanna rape him if its not a crime. My innocent love for Yasu has already become so pervy! Why does Tacchon needs to be so cool in Romes? Now I want the place of his doggie gf. LOL.

3) I got my NWPD DVD. *happy dance* But I was disapointed with the pamphlet. I want another pacific-like pamphlet.

4) Ryo is climbing higher into my JE ranks because of Ganbatte Ikkimashoi. Now I am missing seeing Suzuki Ann. After getting into the K8 fandom I am appreciating his presence more and more.

5) Dake ga watashi ni kisu wo shita and Tojuko Kabachi.... I wanna watch it, MAKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! I dunno but I think maki suits every JE guy. LOL. Me and my Maki bias. Though I am still a solid Yamaki fan.

6) I want that Yamapi con shirt badly. OKANNNNNNNNEEEEEE!  Yamapi posted another touch and humbling entry. He is such a great guy. I am a proud fan!

Numbers are part of my life my flails also has one. ROFL! 

yamaki, makitego, ramblings, eito

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