When this guy turns 25 and doesnt look his age!

Sep 11, 2009 16:55


One year ago I would have never cared if its his birthday but well this year I never knew I would have another JE fandom other than NEWS. But yeah this guy baited me over the K8 fandom~ And I would always always be thankful to be in this new fandom! :D

So like the before when its my favorites birthday I do a little "what I love about them" post.

OK, Well I haven't been itno researching about Yasu but nonetheless I got five things I love about him!

5)  Oddly I love the fact that our sing voice kind of matches. LOL. This year I have beeen addicted to singing and like I oddly sound like him when I sing. Well here is a youtube link of puzzle wherein I sang as yasu. *shot-d* I just loved this cover so much! One of this days I'll sing Watashi Kagami! Yehey!

4) EPIC FAIL and GIRLY! I got to know Yasu with his epic Utaban fail and the way he brought tears on my eyes! That belly piercingis so much loved by me! Ahaha! Just like Shige I fall for him because he was bullied most of the times it makes me laugh... On with being girly. OMG Yasuba and like their love/friendship emanating with every interview and that makes me all giddy! Being vain but at teh same time manly hooked me to him!

3) EGAO. I really have tihs fetish for guys with this huge brilliant unadulterated genuine smiles. I know his smile makes him look younger than his age. Every picture and video I see him laughing my heart melts into a puddle of goo. :D

2) He is not tall at all so what. Another thing I liked about him is his height cause that made him a lot cuter to me! Ahaha. *fails* But really he maybe the oldest or not but he looks like so vulnerable and I dunno childish and I like it!

1) ZOMG... song writing skills and wtf amazing guitar playing! If I would be a singer I would love to sing Yasu's compositions! Like watashi Kagami and Airairo are amazing! Ashita is epic genki and very very pleasing to the ears though they say its a sad song. LOL. Sorezore wo Kimi to performance is reallt addicting and all this week Watashi Kagami is on repeat mode on my player when I go online!.I guess the guitar is Yasu's first love that no one can compete with. He just can be away from his guitar because they're awesome together! I envy his skills in playing the guitar since its one of my frustrations cause I can never play it BUT still I wanna learn it so badly that I asked someone to taught me how to even thought I know how I would so fail it.. T.T

This post is like one of the most absurd the things a like on a JE guy cause seriously I can't put into words why I like him so much in way I could with my love for Yamapi, Shige and Tegoshi. Well I just want to say that I think I would love him for a very very long time without the coherent reasons!

I would just wanna wish him all the best in the world and  I think would never be disappointed in him. Next time I will find the right words all due to him but for now I will enjoy this feeling of incoherent thoughts as I watch him suceed. And yehey for ROME! :D

yasuda shota, birthday post

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