Title: Beating Heart Pairing: Matsumiya, Sakumiya, Junba Genre: Angst, Romance Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I wish I do Summary: Nino's sickness makes him take some new decisions about his life
the surgery is tomorrow?? noo don't make Nino dieee T^T i'm glad that everything is settled, but tell me, Nino haven't know Sho's feeling for him rite? hope in the next chap Sho will confess to Neen... and Neen's surgery will success so he can live longer :')
your updates are fast! can't wait for the next chap! XD
i'm watching jpop event here in phils...arashi dance battle will begin, but i need to read this!!! i'm scared for nino!!! i hope for a good result!!! tnx for the fic~
it went well at least, it's the first jpop event here, "kick-off party". grand fest will be on jan2012. i hope many jpop fans will participate~ especially arashi fans. as the generation and young groups coming out, hsj have many fans here in phils...sadly for me, only in arashi event, arashi fans are alive. obviously, it concentrated more on arashi. in jpop, all the arashi fans had been separated also in other groups like kisumai, hsj, news, kanjani8 and many more...
uwaaaa! menos mal que Sho llego rapido! Y ya no queda nada para la operacion T___T Uhmmm me pregunto cuando se va a confesar Sho de una vez, todos se han dado cuenta ya. Muchas gracias por compartirlo!! I'm so enjoying this fic!
Comments 23
i'm glad that everything is settled, but tell me, Nino haven't know Sho's feeling for him rite?
hope in the next chap Sho will confess to Neen... and Neen's surgery will success so he can live longer :')
your updates are fast! can't wait for the next chap! XD
Confession, we'll see...
i'm scared for nino!!! i hope for a good result!!!
tnx for the fic~
Well see about Nino
Y ya no queda nada para la operacion T___T
Uhmmm me pregunto cuando se va a confesar Sho de una vez, todos se han dado cuenta ya.
Muchas gracias por compartirlo!! I'm so enjoying this fic!
we all want the best for nino right? so please don't make him die(?) hohoho
Arashi is great isn't it?
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