Title: Fighting Destiny (5/?) Pairing: Sakumiya, Sakuraiba, Matsumiya Genre: AU, Romance Summary: You may curse your destiny, but true love may come with it Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own them :(
"Before they could continue, they saw Aiba and Ohno being thrown away from the kitchen under Jun’s deadly stare and conclusion that they were “more trouble than help” and “for god’s sake don’t came near the kitchen ever again”." me encantó esa parte <3 y las reacciones de Ohno y Aiba (principalmente Ohno =P) cuando los encontraron juntos en la cama jajaja Tenemos que esperar hasta el 7???!! ok, me va amatar, pero espero =P No puedo terminar de descifrar cuál es el problema con Jun y Sho!! ay me mata la curiosidad :P Pero Matsumiya es muy muy lindo así que pienso que todo va a estar bien, y espero que Sakuraiba este bien también!!! <3 no puedo esperar al próximo!!!
Aunque no me guste mucho el Ohmiya, me cae bien Ohno, creo que aunque habla poco cuando lo hace siempre es para hacer comentarios divertidos sin perder su expresion facial, lo cual lo hace mas gracioso Prometo no demorarme muchos con los capitulos y poco a poco ir descubriendo mas de Sho XD
a mi tampoco me gusta el Ohmiya (los prefiero a los dos con Sho <3 ) pero Ohno siempre se las arregla para decir la cosa más ridícula y cómica en el momento indicado :P es magnífico =P jaja
Wow I really love this... And So quick :D I was just about to go to bed when I saw this and had to read it xDDD I'm so in love with your Jun and Nino *sighs happily* right to bed with pleasant dreams, thanks for sharing ^.^
ahhhh...what will sho explode???!!! that he like nino? or something about jun and his family??!!! waaaahhh...i'm scared too!!! i think that jun knows nino like sho... and he is scared that sho like nino too... aaaahhh...i think i've drained my brain bcoz of u're story!!!! need the chap 7!!!
tnx for d story~ can't wait for nxt update!!! tnx-tnx!!!
Give me time jajaja I'm writing ch 6 now, hope it'll be ready tomorrow, but ch 7 will take more of me because that's when drama comes Don't worry, it won't be tragic, I want to finish in 10 chapters, we'll see Thanks for commenting :D makes me happy
look how drained my brain was! asking for chap 7 eventhough chap 6 haven't posted yet~ haha.... i read again this fic starting prologue... about the car accident, are there connection? curiousity...bugging me.hehe... well, will wait~
Wow, you really like it! Happy!!! About the car accident, no connection, that was just something that destiny put to stop Nino from persuining Sho I'll update as soon as I can, wont take long, promise :D
Comments 40
Tenemos que esperar hasta el 7???!! ok, me va amatar, pero espero =P No puedo terminar de descifrar cuál es el problema con Jun y Sho!! ay me mata la curiosidad :P
Pero Matsumiya es muy muy lindo así que pienso que todo va a estar bien, y espero que Sakuraiba este bien también!!! <3
no puedo esperar al próximo!!!
Prometo no demorarme muchos con los capitulos y poco a poco ir descubriendo mas de Sho
and Sho loves Nino, but Nino HAS to be with Jun =DDD~
loving it!!
I have time this month so I'm taking advantage
Thanks for reading :D
waaaahhh...i'm scared too!!!
i think that jun knows nino like sho...
and he is scared that sho like nino too...
aaaahhh...i think i've drained my brain bcoz of u're story!!!!
need the chap 7!!!
tnx for d story~
can't wait for nxt update!!! tnx-tnx!!!
I'm writing ch 6 now, hope it'll be ready tomorrow, but ch 7 will take more of me because that's when drama comes
Don't worry, it won't be tragic, I want to finish in 10 chapters, we'll see
Thanks for commenting :D makes me happy
i read again this fic starting prologue...
about the car accident, are there connection?
curiousity...bugging me.hehe...
well, will wait~
About the car accident, no connection, that was just something that destiny put to stop Nino from persuining Sho
I'll update as soon as I can, wont take long, promise :D
I suppose Sho told MatsuJun something like that or I don't know what....*sigh* Of course MatsuJun would be worried...
Continue ^^I like this chapter a lot xD LOL at part where MatsuJun thre them out of the kitchen xDD
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