Из "Дороги к рабству":
Although few people, if anybody, in this country would probably be ready to swallow totalitarianism whole, there are few single features which we have not yet been advised by somebody or other to imitate. Indeed, there is scarcely a leaf out of Hitler's book which somebody or other in this country has not recommended us to take and use for our own purposes. This applies particularly to many people who are undoubtedly Hitler's mortal enemies because of one special feature in his system. We should never forget that the antisemitism of Hitler has driven from his country, or turned into his enemies, many people who in every respect are confirmed totalitarians of the German type.
...Especially when we consider the proportion of former socialists who have become Nazisit is important to remember that the true significance of this ratio is seen only if we compare it, not with the total number of former socialists, but with the number of those whose conversion would not in any case have been prevented by their ancestry. In fact, one of the surprising features of the political emigration from Germany is the comparatively small number of refugees from the Left who are not "Jews" in the German sense of the term.-How often do we not hear eulogies of the German system prefaced by some statement such as the following with which at a recent conference an enumeration of the "features of the totalitarian technique of economic mobilisation which are worth thinking about" was introduced: "Herr Hitler is not my ideal-far from it. There are very pressing personal reasons why Herr Hitler should not be my ideal, but ... "