A Letter to Myself Concerning FLESH AND GLASS

Apr 07, 2010 21:03

 Okay Landon.

You have put up with enough of this trash. You must be bigger than this novel. (This novel is pretty damn big.)

You know you've just got to get it out of your system. Once you have a foundation, there's no stopping you.

That foundation starts tonight. It didn't start four months ago, when you first tried to outline this idea. It didn't even think of showing up throughout the hundreds of pages you filled in your Moleskine in attempt to tame it. It definitely didn't want to show its face when you tried to WRITE the story...for the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth OR seventh time. No. Tonight is the night.

All it takes is focus, caffeine, and your motivational playlist.

You must be bigger than this novel. (This novel is pretty damn big.)

motivation, flesh and glass

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