Ride that bitch up and down the coast!

Oct 06, 2004 06:32

I'm at school, I have Financial Technology this period. I'm sooo hungry it ain't even funny. I feel good though because I smoked a Black and Mild before I came today. An unexpected phonecall is going out to my best friend today. This is our last day of school for a week. I can't wait until my pops gives me the news on this drum set. I want to play so bad. Me and my friend Eric are going to jam out all the time. He can play the acoustic until the end of the world. He is awesome. We are in here making fun of our weak ass dance team. Our ROTC drill team is better than the dance team. That's lame. Ohh yeah I also can't wait until I get like 50 bucks so I can put some more speakers in the dash board of my truck.

I want to be the knife that cuts my hand.....

I got that from one of my favorite songs called CATAPULT.

Anyways I'm hungry and hyper so I'm out.

I'm rich bitch I'm a real big timer.
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