Wirving Dervish my ass…

Nov 05, 2004 15:06

Okay, this is how the week went. Saturday I was able to hang out with Nique, something I didn’t think I’d be doing again so soon. Good times. We went to the Oak View mall to check out some things, one of which was the store I was talking about in the last entry. I found out that it was actually a Chocolate Factory and they sold more than just Carmel Apples. ^_^ Anyway, we checked out the selection and found two apples we liked, I got Cherries Jubilee, and Nique got a Rocky Road. The Cherry Jubilee…. It looked like a garnet encrusted confectionary sphere of white fudge and chocolate. Yummmmmmm…

So, after Nique so nicely paid for both, which I considered my late birthday present, we went meandering around the mall. I got a book at Waldenbooks, and then we went into this neat store called Eastern treasures. I had step out to the restroom and when I came back Nique had found this most splendifferious Chinese dress. The assistant found the right size and style for her in red with gold embroidery. It was long with a slit up the left leg, sleeveless with the color up at her throat. I goaded her into trying it on, and, sure enough, she looked absolutely drop dead gorgeous in it. To me it kind of looked like the red dress the girl in ‘Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom’ wore in the beginning number.

Well, she did look astonishing in it, and a few compliments later from both me and the assistant, she bought it. As a matter of fact the assistant wondered if she was one of the models for JCPenny. *and I bet if she auditioned she could be* So, Nique bought the dress for $50, sorely tempted to get a sword with the dress so she could look even more kick ass. But, guilty enough about spending so much, she left the store without buying more. I mentioned that the dress could be worn for tomorrow for Halloween, even though the only thing we’d be doing is watching movies and greeting trick or treaters. But, in order to wear the dress correctly, Nique had to get a different bra and hose.

So there I was in Victoria’s Secret, looking all of a Redneck in my jeans and loose black t-shirt while waiting for Nique in the changing room. Looking at all these different style bras that went from frilly and lacy to dangerous and racy made me feel like a pervert, AND I’M OF THE FEMALE PERSUASION FOR BLURDY SAKE!!

After she bought her selection she threatened to make me try on a Chinese dress as well. Luckily I reminded her that I had planned to go to the Fun Park that day and we left. After stopping by a Wendy’s drive through we went to the Fun Park, only to find my older sister Megan in full costume and putting up decorations. Apparently there was going to be a Halloween party that night, and we were invited to join on the spot. Well, after I devoured my Cherries Jubilee Carmel Apple and Nique her fast food, we went home to change into costume. Nique wore the dress she had bought just a few hours earlier, and I my old red wizard robe. Nique declared herself a Bond girl, and gave herself the name Ambrosia.

So, we got there and there were so many cool costumes! There was a girl who put on fake frost on her face and body and had a t-shirt that said ‘bitch’ on it, she was a ‘Frigid bitch’. Another guy came in wearing nice clothing, and a bow stuck to one shoulder and a sign hanging across the other one that said “God’s gift to women”. There was a Kerry Fairy, Indiana Jones *wink wink*, Sinbad, even my sister Krista was there in a pretty sea foam dress. The first thing me and Nique played was DDR, and it was hard for her to play cause it had been a while for her and she was playing in bare hosiery. Ouchie!

Soon the DDR machine became a phenomenon and there were people all around it moving to the arrows as third players. It was like a newfangled line dancing craze! W00t! Well, I decided to participate in the bobbing for apples contest, of which only 6 people had the guts to try. I never thought you had to actually sick your entire head in the water to get at the apples. The first try was an almost automatic win since the only other girl going against me didn’t want to put her head in the water. Couldn’t blame her. So I won the first round. Second round I had enough know how to figure out how to get the job done and I came up out of the water with an apple after barely a second. ^_^ I was proud of that. But, third and final round, I lost. Well, at least I got two apples out of the deal.

I decided to dish out one of my forbidden CDs and play the Thriller album, of which the party goers, most college students, found pretty cool. The costume contest was held and the first prize winner was a girl who looked exactly like Kim Possible. She was really cool.

Anyway, I think the impromptu party was really cool. I never thought I’d actually go to one of those, let alone be spontaneously invited to one merely an hour before it was about to start.

So, that was Saturday the 30th. The 31st was a lil different. After working til 6 I was able to cut loose and go to get Nique. On the way back we opted to stop be the nearest Target to pick up Halloween movies instead of a Blockbuster or Hollywood video. Getting into the store, of which I didn’t know where a thing was, we raced to see who could find the DVD section first. I found one end of the section just 15 seconds after Nique found the other end. Dang. It was a pretty wide selection they had there, a lot more variety then the Target closer to my house. It even had a wide selection of anime. Well, I got ‘Van Helsing’ and ‘Sleepy Hallow’, and Nique, if I remember correctly, got ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’. I checked out the book section and to my delight they had MANGA!!! Okay, it was Yuu Yuu Hakusho, and Yu-Gi-Oh, but a small selection means that maybe someday they will have more for a cheaper price!

Anyway, we went to check out and while we were in line this handsome buy comes through the front door in a Zoro costume. Well *I* thought he was kinda handsome. Apparently the party he was at was out of candy for the trick-or-treaters and he was sent out to fetch some. Only on Halloween can a guy walk into a Target in full Zoro glory and ask for Candy, and no one would flinch. Sadly the Target was out of candy, and as me and Nique walked back to my car I saw him walk to the Bakers just next door, his cloak swirling out behind him in determination. It was kinda funny to see such a thing.

Us and the movies got to my house without a hitch and we started watching ‘Van Helsing’. *drool* Hugh Jackman with longish hair and wearing a long black jacket. ^_~ I stared saying how I liked him in ‘Kate & Leopold’, and Nique shot me down. Apparently Hugh Jackman acting like a polite and dashing English Gentleman wasn’t as good as Hugh Jackman acting like a slightly angst warrior against all evil. And I must admit ‘Van Helsing’ is better than ‘Leopold’.

Well I handed out the candies for the trick-or-treaters as they came in, and for some reason when I opened the door once there was this small grey and slick cat that just walked right in before I could close the door! He was certainly a cute little thing, but he had to leave, not that I would have kept him if I could, but he didn’t belong to us. Nique had the guts to catch him, I was scared that he’d claw at me, but he was real gentle with Nique. Thus the little grey cat was sent out of the house.

But….. the cat came back! He came into the house the second time and he was evicted a second time, for good. Nique let him go to the yard of a neighbor’s house and he went on his way. We were able to get through the one movie, but that was it before I had to take her back and go to bed for Monday morning. >_<

Tuesday I went and voted. Yay! I can vote now! And I voted fore Nader. Why? Because I didn’t want to vote for a man who wanted nothing but to anger people overseas for oil and I didn’t want to vote for a man who would harp on the other’s mistakes and not tell us how he was going to fix them. So, I voted for Nader. If Bartlett was on the ticket I would have voted for him instead, but he’s a fictional character in West Wing and as such cannot be voted for, though I’m sure there were people who checked the ‘write in’ box and put down things like Puff Daddy and Luke Skywalker.

Wednesday was okay, thought I was a little shook up by the post Dana made in her journal. If she had really gone to Art School I would be sad cause one of my few friends would be gone and Nique would miss her as much as I would. Not that I didn’t think she couldn’t make it. I’m sure if she thought it out enough she could find a way to get into Art School and become maybe an animator or a better Mangaka/cartoonist. But I don’t think she’d forgive herself for not learning more about the world first. I had to go through Fiction class know that I STILL didn’t have the short story done.

Meanwhile, my Mom all of a sudden asked if she could borrow my car for five days. @_@ apparently she wanted to surprise Frank with an impromptu visit which was nice of her…. But with MY car. That meant that I wouldn’t see my beloved Titus for 5 whole days and I would be stuck driving Krista’s car…. *gulp* the coffin on wheels.

Mom got food for us Thursday before she left while I was at school with the other car. I got home after spending a dollar at the used bookstore, but a good thing happened. I had convinced Ingrid, the nice German woman who worked at the used bookstore, to buy a print from me! Spiffage! I spent a dollar of that for the books, but that’s still a $2 profit.

And now here I am at the present, Friday, November the 5th. Dana has boiled down her situation to a solution, cutting her college hours and taking up a second job. I’m whole heartly agreeing with the cutting of hours, she should have had that many hours with that kind of job at Hyatt. However, I do have some thoughts that taking a second job might put more unneeded stress in her life, no matter if it does bring in money faster. In my opinion she should finish out this semester and try to cut down the hours at work a bit. Then for the spring semester she can pick up the hours at work and take at the most two are three classes. That would get her more time to study and make money, but more importantly, to keep her time open to do what she wants to do, draw and create and such. If she takes a second job she’ll get more money, but she’ll have no free time and for some people, no free time equals unhealthy stress.

Nick thinks cutting hours at college will kill her chance at finishing school. Nah, not Dana. She’ll finish it. I think it’s better to finish school with good marks at a slow pace than finishing quickly with bad marks.

I’ve been worrying about the site, no one new is coming buy except maybe some Last Herald Mage fangirls cause I mentioned in Gaia that I have a fanart of Vanyel and Steff there. I was hoping they would check out the rest of the site, but no. Thus I have been thinking of some ideas to get more people there. There is always the setting up of a booth and A.I., which we weren’t able to do this year but I’m hoping of doing next year. And there is always the exchange of links with bigger web comics. But there is a flaw in that tactic; we don’t have anything to keep people coming back. So, I have decided to start a lil’ parody comic that should update regularly. Frankly it’s about us, Nique, Dana, Me, Meg and others, and the hassles of dealing with being ourselves.



Been done before?

Most likely.

But right now I’m gonna do practically anything to keep the site alive. It’s not just Dana’s site, it’s also a small dream of mine to have people read things I write and look at things I draw and for them to like what I do. And if the site doesn’t pick up more people anytime soon I have a feeling that Dana might close it down instead of keeping it going in the spring with a new schedule for her to deal with. I know it’s not likely, but I really have this half-assed idea of making the site big. I want to sell prints and t-shirts and mugs and actual comic books. It’s an unlikely dream but I wanna go for it.

And I shall!!

And I must be off! I have a short story to finish, a Hindu project to layout, and a script to go over for the new comic! Wish me luck!!
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