Small changes

Nov 27, 2004 00:48

At the request of Dana I've decided to change my avatar picture a bit. She said it looked a bit sad so I tweaked the picture to make her smile a bit more... though now that I look at it closer it still looks like a sad smile. >_<

Meh, tomorrow... or should I say later today? I'm planning on going out and seeing the Incredible with Nique. I've been such a freaking loner hermit for the last few months I need to rebind things before I regret it, which I know I will if I keep down this path. Thing is, I don't have a lot of creative activities for us to do. I hope it goes well because I don't know what else to do besides that. I'd go to the city park to see the lights with her.. but I don't know how to maneuver those streets... grrr.

Had to work today unexpectedly, which is a good thing cause it was practically dead there and I did tedious chores and such. I'm going to need those hours later for my paycheck because I got a lot of Christmas gifts to wrap. Don't know what I'm getting Dana and Nique... Meg is going to get something special once I figure out to ship it... and whatever the heck I'm going to give her. I'll think of something.

I'm so glad I decided to sleep in and not go out shopping. How the hell can people wait in line for three hours to check out!? Were there magazines passed out to pass the time? Line dancing? Drinks? Charades? I don't know... but I'm glad I'm doing my shopping later... I don't care if I'm missing sales or specials, sleep comes first!

I was trying to think of things to do with Dana when Nique leaves... besides worrying myself to death about it. I doubt Dana will have much time to worry with her schedule and all, but I'm sure she'll squeeze that in somehow. After a long quiz over IM I finally found out what Dana is on the Temperament scale. She is a Rational - Architect. Really cool. I think I need to make a graph with our temperaments on them... that would be so helpful.

Finally got my Christmas list up... don't think anyone's gonna follow it cause most of the stuff on there can only be found at Amazon, but I don't mind.

Lately on Deviant Art I've been worried. I haven't gotten much traffic despite all the reviews I've been leaving, and I'm updating my art frequently enough. I'll just hope that one of my later deviants will be worth a lot of attention and I can draw lots of people in. I must not lose hope!

Well, I'd better get to sleep, I got to look in the paper tomorrow and find times for the Incredible and see if I can't start a layout of some school projects. See ya! ^_^

Hm… these post are getting shorter… good.
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