lakicons is kind of moving. I will be posting all of my icons and textures and other stuff from now on at a new journal because I have finally got a paid account and it makes sense to make the most of it.
Please watch / join
seven12 to keep up with all of the new stuff.
I know I haven't been posting much here lately but I do have lots of icon posts planned. Some Firefly icons especially. I have a few that have been caught up in challenges until recently so they'll be appearing shortly and I committed myself to 50 Out of Gas icons at
firefly50 so they'll be up soon.
I might even get myself back into XF icons again. Plus there'll be more fandoms like Lost and Harry Potter...
seven12 is also a journal for other art-related things so there may be artwork and some photography there too. It will be mainly icons though. Oh and textures will also be available.
Hope to see you there!