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Mar 19, 2006 14:51

In my end of the year film entry, I wrote that Best of Youth would have made the list had I had the chance to see it. After watching the film it not only would have made the list, but top it as well. Most reviews, and the back of the box describe it as a two brothers journey through forty years. While this is true, it is also deceiving as the film follows their family and friends from the mid sixties Rome to end in 2003 in Tuscany. One reviewer described the film in the following words, “If most films are short stories, then this is a novel.” This story takes six hours to tell. I do not mean this as a warning but as something to value in the film. It lets the viewer really get to know the characters. We get to watch the whole cycle of life. From birth to death, and everything in between. This puts every thing into perspective. When someone dies, there is sadness but the living carry on. Originally produced as a miniseries in Italy the film was released into US theaters this past summer. It would have been amazing to see this on the big screen. It blends together this families story with pop music, modern Italian history, and small dash of melodrama. I have avoided any mention of plot. This is for two reasons. First I went into this film with no plot specifics. Second if I told you it ruin the joy of watching the film. It paints life as this terribly beautiful and complicated experience. The family remains strong through hard times, and enjoys the times they have together. It is easy to get focused on the here and now, and not to see the big picture. This film helps put things into perspective. Watching it I became appreciative of my family and friends. It made the future seem less scary and more beautiful. When the film ended, I was like that’s it. I want more. Six more hours please. So if you run across the dvd please rent it. You will not regret it.
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