A pleasant reminder...

Mar 29, 2005 21:26

GSA, Feminist Club, and Multicultural Club are uniting to plan a partay on JUNE 17th (or thereabouts). This party will not only be aimed at celebrating diversity, empowerment, and the end of finals week, but it will raise money for a helpful nonprofit organization dedicated to respect for all people.

The following jobs were assigned and volunteered for at today's GSA meeting:

Finding food sponsors: Fiona, Seth
Booking the armory: Lauren
Obtaining (possibly free) decorations: Rachel, Emily, Corrine
Non-profit organization work: Rachel
Publicity: Abby, Isabella, Gabe
Scouting for Music: Olivia, Jordan

Ideas for the partay were:
* Deserts and multicultural food (China Garden was mentioned often)
* Guest speaker
* Part for general public, part for high-schoolers

Club presidents are trying to contact LO groups and get them in on the action.

THE DAY OF SILENCE IS APRIL 13th. There will be a preliminary organizing meeting on April 5th (next tuesday) and a distribution of stickers, notes, etc. on April 12th. Check out the Day of Silence website.

All of you no-shows: start coming to the meetings. A club needs good leadership to run effectively, but it needs people to run. We need lots of people to make this happen.
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