
Dec 13, 2003 23:52

omg i am in PAIN. servere pain!!!!! i just got home from stupidly going out in the first place and i am feeling so fluish and sick it's not even funny. all of a sudden i have the absolute worst sort throat known to man. i cannot talk right now or swallow. it hurts SO BAD! im about to overdose for the 3rd time today on aspirin and mix a lil nyquil to knock me out with it. Holy f.....i havent been sick like this in so long and it feels like crap. theres no way im gunna be able to go to school on monday.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

ok i just got back tho from one of the lamest saturday nites of my life! after trying to get ppl together all ended up being just me, tam, jorden, dj and melissa going bowling.....for like 45 mins!!!!! at 9 oclock....then jorden leaving with dj which was kinda a good thing cuz i cant stand dj and jorden was being his usual ass self......and then tam and her friend ditch me and melissa! oh yah, i drove melissa......all the way from coto 20 mins bowling.....then back again! haha and my 6 months arent up for another 3 weeks so it's a good thing we didnt get pulled over :-D god, i need GLASSES tho so bad. everything is so frickin blurry at nite...i shouldnt even be driving! oh and last nite sucked too.....i wasnt feeling well so i didnt even end up going ice skating with everyone. boooooooooooo. oh and im supposed to go to the mall tom with bliss. scratch that too thanks feeling like craaaaaaaaaaaaaap! :-( i need to go to sleep but i have to watch the lakers game i taped first.....sigh........i hope to god this doesnt get worse!

LOL. ok well im in my neighborhood driving home and its pitch black and all of a sudden i see this cat like lookin thing coming out of this one street. so i see it and im like woh crap its a bobcat or mountain lion! so i followed it for like 15 mins lol.....and finally i got really close to it and i realized it was a coyote....then i saw it AGAIN and now i think it was just a dog that ran away lol. glasses ppl.........i mean it when i say i need them. i even called to wake my dad up to notify him of my "discovery" lol....
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