Aug 31, 2008 16:04
My first week at SUNY fucking Albany (as is the local parlance) has been quite an eye-opening experience, to say the least. This semester I'm taking organic chemistry, biology, microeconomics, and psychology. The classes themselves have been rather easy (something sure to change quite soon for organic chem), and the vast majority of the TAs and professors seem to be very nice people. I really don't like my chemistry professor, though. I went to his office hours to ask him what I should review to catch up, and he told me to drop the class because there was no way a freshman could ever pass it. I'm like, "Fuck that shit, now I'll have to get the highest grade to prove his ass wrong." New year, new me? Maybe so, but I still have that obnoxious chip on my shoulder - I really need to stop that.
I spent yesterday in Manhattan with Bianca, and had a blast. I went to American Apparel, which shouldn't be allowed: my wardrobe has taken a turn for the neon day-glo worse. We met up with Dany, and I have to say I'm mad jealous - NYU has beautiful dorms that are the Four Seasons to SUNY's Comfort Inn. Plus he lives in the middle of Greenwich fucking Village, which is a mad cool place to be (understatement of the year). I can't wait for my camera to get sent back by Kodak, and I really wish I could have taken pictures in the NYC. Too bad about that.
To quote a very quotable somebody that I used to know:
I miss the past, but I like who I'm becoming.