Seeking Advice on a Dilemma...

May 10, 2006 13:58

Hey out there in Cyberland,

I've run into a dilemma. A big one. And I need all the advice I can get on this. Yes, I know that ultimately it's all my decision, yadda, yadda, but I'd like to know how others would approach the same situation. It's a very difficult choice to make, and a hard one to explain. I'm hoping to get a broader perspective on this, and a few words of wisdom from those who are wiser in these matters than myself...

As some of you might or might not know, I've applied for a new job. The decision to look into other forms of employment came about for a couple of different reasons. First, and probably foremost, was the threat of layoffs that TJ faced at the beginning of this year. It scared me a good deal, as our insurance and the majority of our income is dependent on his job. If he had lost his job, we wouldn't have medical coverage. While we don't use it a lot now, it's one of those things where as soon as you lose it, you're bound to need it. The second factor was the recent upsets at my current job. There were some bad things floating around in the way of bullshit policies, and things were looking pretty dim. Most of those issues have been resolved now, but it's still a small company and very susceptible to problems. The third reason I was seeking new employment is simply the want to learn something new, expand my experiences and gain new opportunities. There is little chance of any further advancement where I'm at now, and while it's comfortable and stable, nothing new ever happens. It's growing somewhat stale, and I'm starting to get tired of the same old boring, predictable life. I'm the type that wants to go out and do everything, so to be stuck in too much of a routine bothers me.

The job that I put in an application for is actually to drive an armored car. I had been keeping this pretty much under wraps for fear of a certain close relation of mine flipping out, but he knows so now it's no secret. I've already put in the application and had my first interview, which I believe went well. Next week I endure a polygraph test (which I'm actually interested in) and a road test of my driving skills in one of the trucks that I would be driving. If all that goes well, they will offer me a job. While this sounds all great and good, and it's very tempting, there are some major drawbacks that might not make it worth it. First, I will be taking a pay cut from my current position. Second, I will have to take a first-shift schedule. Third, there's a lot of overtime to be had, which means more money, but less time at home (where we still need to work on a lot of stuff, the remodel has pretty much stalled at this point).

In short, it's a tough decision. Here's a quick run down of the pros and cons of taking the new job:

  • Full benefits package with medical, dental, vision and life insurance (mostly employer paid, employees do pay part of the premium), vacation time, tuition reimbursement, 401K, etc.
  • Overtime opportunity (time and a half for anything over 40 hours per week)
  • Full training including weapons training
  • Large, well-established company with a strong work ethic
  • Opportunity for advancement
  • Something I'm interested in, new experience
  • No third shift schedule, 1st shift only- my husband and I would end up on opposite schedules again. The company also doesn't like to work people over full weekends.
  • Cut in pay from what I'm currently making (I just got a raise, which bumps me up higher than what I had been making, when I first applied.)
  • Inconsistent schedule
  • Possible mandatory overtime / 6 day weeks
  • Little to no walking, I would be driving all day
The fact that TJ and I would be on opposite schedules again should count as at least two marks on the cons list. We've been dealing with this for going on a full year, and starting next week he's finally going to have the same hours and same days off as me again. This is a great thing and I was so happy to hear it, but if I take this new job, then all that could be blown. He's insistent that I shouldn't plan on it, since the union he's in is spreading more layoff rumors, plus his company has some consultant who thinks he's going to change everything around and eliminate domestic night shifts. No one's really sure what's going to happen there, but do I really want to risk not ever seeing him? We've done that (I was on nights, he days, I worked weekends, he didn't) and it really, really sucked. I don't know if I want to do it again. I'm also very loyal to the company I'm currently with. My boss is a friend of mine, and now that many of the issues have been addressed, things are looking better where I'm at. I don't know how long they will remain stable, but for now things are level. That alone makes it hard, though my boss had interviewed a new employee and he was bragging on his qualifications and talking as if he was to be my replacement. The way my boss was talking almost made me feel like he would rather replace me with this new guy now, which sort of upset me.

On the flipside of that, I would be driving a big, bullet proof truck. You can't get any cooler than that. It's another part of the security field that I can learn from, another experience. I think it's something that may help me in the future, since I sort of have a plan of where I want to go. The fact they have tuition assistance really helps as well, as I wanted to go back and get by bachelors.

The manager I interviewed with told me that there are both full and part time positions available. He told me that if they offer me a job, it would be my choice if I wanted full or part time work. I was toying with the idea of doing part time work with the new company, and perhaps staying on part time with my current company. It could be an option I might be able to work with.

So now I leave it up to you out there. I'm open to any and all viewpoints and advice. Usually I keep stuff like this to private posts, but I'm willing to hear out everyone's perspectives. What would you do in my situation? Where should my priorities be? I thank y'all in advance for the words of wisdom you offer me.

Down and gone,

...who is stuck between an armored car and a hard place.

advice, work

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