After over two months of battling, arguing, stress, confusion and commotion, I think the end is thankfully in sight. I have, in my hot little hands, a check for over $3,000 to pay for the rental car I had to have for so long. The insurance has covered everything else, save the $100 deductible on the transfer case replacement (they still insist that wasn't caused by the accident) and soon I'll be reimbursed for the full $500 deductible I had to pay for the insurance repairs. And best of all, Silver's home and running smooth. I think the last few kinks are out now, and life can return to normal. I won't have to call in the lawyers or deal with that, from the looks of things right now. Financially things are settling down, since we got the check and TJ sold his Avaya stock. Speaking of, we think he's going to skate by on this round of layoffs- a lot of people are going to take the early retirement. I think we're alright now, though I'm going to knock on wood.
There was a bit of a fiasco getting Silver back. I was supposed to pick it up on Monday night, but the guys at Abra Autobody forgot to go get it from the dealership. We paid the deductible for the warranty work via the phone, so I knew that wasn't the problem. Long story short, I had arranged to pick it up after hours, and when I went down there my car wasn't there. Drove the DAC on Monday, and I had to train a guy. So therefore I couldn't drive at all, at least while I was training. Got Silver back Tuesday, finally. Dr. Brian apologized profusely for having forgotten about it, and even offered to deliver the vehicle to me. I was so glad to have it back again that I pretty much overlooked the SNAFU and went on with life.
I'm actually surprised at the level of cooperation I got from the corporation on this. They went out of their way to fix the problem, it was really only the local store that was being hard headed about the incident. I found out that their insurance was only supposed to pay a max of $29 a day for a rental, and no rental insurance. Instead, because of the hassles, their claims department went ahead and paid the full $49 a day (I had to upgrade to an SUV because of my job requirements) plus half the rental insurance because no one told me it was unnecessary if I already had car insurance. Because the whole fiasco is pretty much over, and the storm has passed, I'll now share with everyone the store that started it all. It was the Tires Plus on Abilene Street in Aurora. Personally, I'll never deal with /any/ Tires Plus again, nor their parent company Bridgestone/Firestone, but I am impressed with the way their claims department handled this. Once we had the paperwork faxed in, it took them less than a week to cut the check and overnight it to us.
Hopefully, this is over.
On to other news... Got to sleep on the couch today so I could wait for UPS. The check was coming in and had to be signed for, and I couldn't convince them to bring it early in the morning. So I had to sleep downstairs so that the doorbell would actually wake me. I did sleep, though not well. UPS didn't show up until almost 19:00 straight up, but at least I got the check and the second package from BN I was expecting. After than I went back to sleep, and had a somewhat restless nap until TJ left for work. Officially got up about 22:40. It's not completely a bad thing, if I go to bed early it'll be easier to get up tomorrow at 20:00 to go out to the Western Condo Complex. It's no longer exciting to go out there, though, since Officer Dumbass has shaped up and is now parking legally. I still want to tow him, just for being a prick. :P
Other night at work got to watch two folks go in on felony warrants. That was fun. I was waiting on the cops to show to clear a VIN on an abandoned car at the Haunted Mall, and my co worker came by to pester me. I shoo'd him back to the Little Condo Complex where he was supposed to be, then he called me and wanted me to bring the officer over to look at a suspicious car. The car was occupied, and he saw what as most likely a drug deal go down the night before, with the same car and occupants. So I convinced the officer to come with me, and after he called for back up, they took both parties in. It was fun.
I start a new property on Friday. I'm going back to working 11 and 12 hour days on Fridays and Saturdays now. Get to work until 08:00. Joy. Sorta excited, I like new places, though the hours will be rough at first. We're also getting new uniforms, which is going to rock. Black pants, grey shirts. I'm going to have gold on my jacket and badge, since I'm a supervisor. Can't wait to see the uniforms.
Got to train a guy Monday night. I don't think he's the right personality for a security guard, and I actually don't want him on the Haunted Mall. He might do OK on a parking enforcement assignment, but he seemed less than observant and not thrilled about the duties he would need to fulfill. My boss agreed with me, so at least I'm not being overly harsh. I was worried I was. Tried to tow a car, but the damned tow company was blowing me off for a DEA tow in Colorado Springs. I finally faxed them the authorization so that they would remove the vehicle as soon as they got down there and I didn't have to be present for it. I ended up leaving the mall way late. It was sort of a tiring night, though uneventful.
I've been drawing more, which is good. I've been working on several projects. I've got my two totem cards to work on, which I'm looking forward to, and I'm currently redesigning the Megadeth mascot 'Vic' for a contest being hosted on DA. I like the drawing so far, it's so much different than what I normally do. Good stuff. I've also got a lot of ideas and a few requests to work on as well. And now that the studio is usable, I can actually do some of this stuff I've been wanting to. Now, if I can just get some time...
Anyway, a few quizzy goodnesses stolen from various folkses:
You are a Glasswalker. You are techno-savvy and a
born city dweller. You are very social and
classy, and probably not doing too bad
Which of the twelve werewolf tribes would you be in?brought to you by
Quizilla Glasswalker, go figure! I'm a tech-head, I saw this coming a mile away. When I was in LARP I played either Glasswalkers, or Bone Gnawers. Both city dwellers, and I'm a scavenger almost as much as a tech-head. ;> Swiped from my dearest sister,
create your own visited states map or
check out these Google Hacks. I've been a lotta places, but not as many as
uplinktruck, who I swiped this from. :> I need to get to New England sometime.
And finally...
After you die...
After death, you will burn forever in the fires of hell. Or much more likely, you will be put into a room with two other people for all of eternity. Because hell is other people.
Take this quiz at I've been telling y'all this for how long now? Ha! See, this is proof beyond proof, right here. Towing the church van on Christmas Eve was just the clincher. ;> Snagged from
mieaga and my husband who is simply going to be stuck in the ground,
Well folks, I think that's all for now. I'm gonna attempt to draw some, relax, then take care of a few things later this morning when stuff opens. Gotta get a new thing of pepper spray, the one I have won't stay on my belt anymore.
Down and gone,
...who is finally feeling a weight off her shoulders.