Jun 23, 2010 00:49
So, as the parents and Becky know I hurt my foot on Saturday. We all thought I'd probably cut it on something metal, like a nail sticking up in the newly finished floor or the swivel chair's base. Leading to the insane goose-chase to get me a tenus shot. Turns out we were wrong. I didn't need the shot. I had a glass sliver in my foot, no metal. Where it came from neither Becky nor I know. It's out now so my foot can start to heal properly. My foot just needs to get over all the bruising caused by walking around on the sliver for five days.
After my bath, yesterday my scab was very pale. I shrugged it off. My foot seemed to be healing very quickly from a visual perspective, but very slowly from a pain perspective. I started wondering if I had a sliver in my foot. Then tonight I started picking slightly at my foot. I wasn't bleeding. Under the scab appeared to be a thin layer of clear pus. In addition, the scab didn't fall apart at all, or move and interact with the surrounding flesh like scabs do, or feel like a scab usually does. Eventually I realized I had a glass shard in my foot.
I wouldn't come out. About two thirds of the shard was under my foots callous, so I cut away the callous at the edge of the shard until it came free of the callous. I then pulled it out with tweezers.
Hopefully, I'll be walking normally in a day or two.