Jan 16, 2010 06:50

Over Christmas break my printer went kaput. I only really discovered it a bit over a week ago. It took me some time to get around to buying more black ink that I knew I needed since I killed my last cartridge last exam period. Once I had I put the new cartridge I printer was since warning that it was low on ink, so I put the extra colour cartridge I had in. It was still flashing lights, which was strange but I'd been ignoring flashing lights on my printer so I just kept ignoring the lights. The only thing was the printer wouldn't print anything from my computer. It printed the tester sheet fine. In fact it printed it across about ten sheets of paper. Yay, scrap paper; so not a total waste. After about of week of repeated attempts and shutting off the printer a few days, I finally gave up and decided that the printer was broken.

It was a bit annoying, but I'm not particularly sad. The printer lasted through four years of heavy use and abuse, and a fair amount of traveling. My computer is already has a load of character; the printer was bound to break soon-ish. I'm annoyed I waster a cartridge, but glad this happened at the beginning of term, not at a really inopportune time.

I really need a printer this term. One of my course doesn't have a textbook. It's all downloaded readings. Two of my other courses have slides to be printer out and several of my classes have problem sets to do. It is looking like I might need to buy more printer paper. I think the last time was in first year. It's exciting. Shopping for printer paper!

THE NEW PRINTER I got is a Cannon. It is supposedly capable of interfacing directly with my camera. I mainly got it because it's suppose to have better dpi for black and white, which I mostly use. The printer was ~$65 after taxes. I got it at Staples. I got it from Staples because Staples came up in my Marketing class. Apparently, marketing classes can be good advertising for companies ( or really bad depending on whether the text and prof like the company.) Anyways, I compared the low-cost printers online at the Staples website and choose my model. I bought the new printer last night. I almost got the next printer up in the Cannon line, because the store was clearing it out, but the store only had the display model and couldn't find the box and accessories for it. I would have been nice to have a printer that can do double-sided printing automatically, but I couldn't buy it. Instead, I got my Cannon i2600. (That's for you Tom.) So far it's working better than my last one. It doesn't have the problem of not picking up only one sheet of paper at a time, which is wonderful. I was starting to be driven crazy by that problem with the old printer. Also the new printer is energy-star certified, or whatever. This is the first major-ish appliance/electronic I've brought since that became a major thing. I happy with my purchase so far. It's my first non-HP printer I've owned or had the interface with regularly.
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