Movie and cutting up a newspaper.

Feb 09, 2009 02:26

I watched 'He's not that into you' tonight. It was better than I expected. I would recommend it to other people, particularly my dad. It reminded me of 'Love, Actually', except without the whole christmas thing. I admit I cried towards the end. It was Doctor Zhivago level crying. I do wonder if the stress of 3 midterms within 20 hours of each other this week was affecting me.

Also, I stole a free copy of one of the national newspaper last week for the articles on the Canadian and American stimulus packages, but I haven't managed to read it because I've been studying for midterms. Today, I cut out all the articles on the stimulus plans, Newfoundland's equalization deal, and corporate compensation, and the US's 'Buy US' plan (Gah, What!). The clippings will be my light after-exams reading. It'll help when my parents call and ask for something to prove that their money is going somewhere. If I'd stuck with Math I would have to prove anything. (Well, I would have to prove lots of theorem and stuff, but not to my parents.)

Oh, Mommy and Daddy you're willing to pay $65 so I can listen to a nice man from a scary right-wing think tank talk about China, right? I costs less than most concert or ballet tickets. They'll feed me too. Please I really want to go! It's not often one gets to listen to the head of a think tank talk about one's favourite topic. It'll make me REALLY REALLY happy. It's educational. Please! Pretty Please, with sugar on top! I don't mind being stalk by the think tank. AND, I promise I'll listen with a critical ear and not take on the speakers opinion whole-heartedly.

i want!!!

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